21 | Your End-Of-Year Checklist to Set Your Business Up For Success in 2023

As 2022 draws to a close and you’re reflecting on all the growth your business achieved over the past year, now is the perfect time to do all the things you’ve been putting off, or have forgotten about entirely. In this episode, I’m sharing with you my end-of-year checklist and 23 things you can do to set your business up for success as we move into the new year.

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19 | Creating Your 2023 Sales Plan

Do you have big plans for your business in 2023? If so, you'll need an effective sales plan to make them a reality. Creating a sales plan for 2023 may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create a sales plan for the upcoming year and ensure you actually hit those sales goals.

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10 | How To Work LESS & Earn MORE

Most entrepreneurs start their businesses because they want more time freedom. To enjoy their life and to not be tied down. So why do we get so caught up in hustle culture that we end up working 10-hour days and neglecting our personal lives? I've built my business on 4-hour work days (working 20 hours a week or less). A business that allows me to travel, prioritise self-care, take long breaks whenever I need to - all while bringing in more than enough income to sustain my lifestyle... and in this episode, I'm letting you in on exactly how I did that!

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04 | Perfectionism & Procrastination

One of the biggest downfalls of new business owners is that they’re always waiting for the perfect time. But what they often don’t realise is that perfectionsim is just another form of procrastination.

If you’re waiting for perfect, you’re never going to take action because there is no such thing as perfect timing and there’s no such thing as perfect. Making mistakes is how we learn and grow as humans and as business owners; and that’s what we’re talking about in this episode.

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