19 | Creating Your 2023 Sales Plan




Episode Show Notes

Do you have big plans for your business in 2023? If so, you'll need an effective sales plan to make them a reality.

Creating a sales plan for 2023 may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create a sales plan for the upcoming year and ensure you actually hit those sales goals.


  • How to set your income goal

  • Auditing & improving your offer suite for maximum impact & income

  • How to create your strategic sales & marketing plan

  • Why having a solid support system in place is important

Links & Resources Mentioned:



How to Create Your 2023 Sales Strategy

If you haven’t listened to the previous episode, How To Set Your Annual Business Goals, I would highly encourage you to listen to that one before you start on this episode. These two episodes really work in conjunction, so you need to have the basics from that episode down before you can start working on your sales plan.

By now, you should have your overall vision and goals for the year. Now it’s time to get sales planning.

I use this planning process myself whenever we’re entering a new year or a new quarter, and this is the process I use with my private clients as well that helps them get organised and make sure that their business is profitable so you are going to get sooo much value from this episode.

1. Setting your income goal

How much money do you want to make this year?

Please don’t just pull an arbitrary number out of the air. Just because all the coaches you follow on Instagram are talking about 10k months or scaling to 6 figures, that doesn’t mean that should be your goal too.

When determining your income goal, you need to calculate the cost of your dream lifestyle and what you actually need to survive and thrive. Take a look at the life goals we discussed in the last episode. How much money do you need to make to support those goals? To be able to do those things?

Questions to consider:

  • How much is your rent?

  • How much do your bills come to?

  • How much do you spend on groceries?

  • How much do you want to spend on eating out?

  • What about pampering?

  • Lifestyle expenses?

  • Leisure?

  • Travelling?

Take everything into consideration and write those numbers down.

Once you’ve added everything up and determined the cost of your dream lifestyle, you can then set your income goal. And this is going to be the cost of your dream lifestyle, plus any business expenses. But at the end of the day, it’s a number that feels good to you. 

Once you’ve set that income goal, we can then begin to plan your sales strategy and set your business up to hit that number.

2. Auditing your offer suite

What have you been selling over this past year? And what do you want to sell next year?

If you’re in love with your offers, you know that your audience love your offers, and you know that they sell well then. you don’t necessarily need to create anything different. You can just think of ways to double down on what you already have. 

Or, perhaps you want to add to your offer suite and introduce something new. If so, what might that be? Write down any ideas you have for what offers you want to continue to sell and anything new that you’ve been thinking about creating.

But one thing to consider when you’re auditing your offer suite and brainstorming these ideas is this: Do your offers compliment each other or are they competing with each other? 

Is your offer suite designed so that your ideal client can buy your lowest ticket offer, complete that offer and then move to the next one? And after completing that offer, does it make sense for them to move to the next step? 

This is what happens when you build an offer suite that works together, and it should be the ultimate goal when you are creating your offer suite as it allows you to garner repeat customers and studies have shown that it’s a lot easier to sell to an existing customer than it is to convert a new lead. So if you introduce new offers, make sure it fills a gap and that it make sense to add it to your offer suite

For example, a fitness coach may have an ebook of home workouts for beginners. So someone at the very beginning of their business journey may decide to go and buy that. And once they’ve completed that, they then need to start working on their health and nutrition, and as a fitness coach, that’s the perfect time to upsell them into their online course… and once they’ve completed that course and they have the basics down, then they may be struggling with the consistency and accountability, so that’s the perfect opportunity to present them with 1:1 coaching to give them the accountability and support they need to stay on track.

That offer suite is designed perfectly to solve their initial problem, and then help them take that next step and so on.

As you’re thinking about your offer suite, make sure that it makes sense and that you can move your ideal client through that journey in a way that makes sense.

3. Creating your strategic sales overview

Once you’ve audited your offer suite, it’s time to start creating your strategic sales plan. This is the big picture view of how you’re going to make sales, sign clients and hit your income goals next year.

We’re going to make a plan of what you’re selling and when you’re selling it, so focusing on which offers you’re going to be pushing and the marketing strategy you’re going to place behind that, the best time of year to do it, and so on…

When I do this activity with my private clients, we always begin with their signature service. If you’re a coach, that’ll probably be your private coaching; if you’re a service provider, it’ll be your signature service. The offer that’s going to make you the most money. 

So next to that offer, write down how many private clients you would like each month. Set a feasible number - one that aligns with your income goal, and one that ensures you’re not going to burn out.

And then think about how you’re going to sell this offer. Are you going to do private invites? Will you have a waitlist? Will you sell publicly on Instagram? Will you sell to your email list?

Once you have everything written down for your signature offer, you can then begin to plan any programme or course promotions around that.

What programmes or courses or lower ticket offers do you want to push? When would make the most sense to do them? 

I personally like to do a big public launch around twice a year and the rest of the time I like to focus on my private mentorship. Sometimes, I might sprinkle in some little low-ticket offers as well, but I always have that as my baseline. 

Bear in mind when you’re planning that these are loose commitments. You’re writing them down as a guide so that you have an idea of what your year will look like, but nothing is set in stone and you can adjust your schedule as you see fit. So if you’ve planned to launch a programme in Q2, but after Q1 you’re feeling like you’d rather focus on your 1:1 work and you’re not up to a big launch, that’s absolutely fine. You don’t have to do it. You can restructure your plan and change and adapt as you see fit. There are no set rules, this is your business at the end of the day.

The reason we’re making this plan is so that you have a rough overview of what your year is going to look like and you can plan accordingly. You don’t want to be going through the year blind and just winging it every day because you’ll probably find that you struggle to hit your sales goals if you’re operating without an intention. However, you don’t want to go through the year sticking to a strict, rigid plan because things change and things come up and you have to be able to adapt to that.

As you create your sales plan, spit your year up into quarters, and then write down which offer (or offers) you plan to focus on for each quarter, what their price points are and how many clients or students you need to hit your goals and from there, you have your sales plan overview and a projection for your sales in 2023.


4. Creating your marketing plan

Once you have an idea of which offers you’ll be launching in each quarter, it’s time to figure out how you’ll be marketing each offer.

Which of these will be live launches, if you choose to live launch at all? Which will be behind the scenes with private invites or email only launches? Which will use funnels or even paid ads? 

Have a think about all the different marketing options you have. Think about what you’ve done in the past, what worked well that you can double down on, what didn’t work well, what you enjoyed, anything you didn’t enjoy or found draining and create your marketing plan based on that data.

So that’s the marketing for your offers, but then we also need to think about your visibility.

How are you going to nurture your existing audience? How are you going to bring in new leads? Are you going to collaborate with any other business owners and leverage their audience to grow your own? If so, when would be the best times to do this?

5. Your support system

Throughout all of this, don’t forget about yourself.

When we sit down to plan, it can be really easy to get carried away and constantly want to add more things to our plate. When we’re looking at it on paper, it often doesn’t seem a lot to be like “oh I can do this here” and “oh I’ll just add that promotion off the back of this one” but when you’re actually in it, that’s a lot of work and you need to be careful not to push yourself too hard.

We spoke about this in the last episode, but don’t forget to schedule in regular rest breaks. I personally like to do this after any launch in my business because launches are draining as hell, but don’t forget to take care of yourself and schedule in time for yourself as well as your business.

Also, have a think about where you might need support. Is there anywhere in your business that you could outsource, even if it’s just hiring a virtual assistant for a couple of hours a week to support you with the tasks that take the most of your energy?

Could you use emotional support for your mindset? Would it be helpful to talk to a therapist or life coach?

Could you use support with making CEO decisions, staying accountable to your goals, motivation to keep going when things get tough? If you don’t already have a mentor, is this something you want to consider as we move into the next year?

Whenever I’ve been working with my clients for a while, I always notice a drastic change in them compared to when they first hired me to when I’ve been supporting them for a few months and that change is that they show up with more confidence, they take action quicker, they stay accountable to their goals and they’re hitting those goals because they have someone in their corner to motivate them, to push them when they need it, to support them when things are slow and to strategise with them and support them in making the best decisions for themselves and for their business.

Having someone in your corner like that when you’re in business is invaluable and I’m a firm believer in long-term mentorship because when you have a coach who really knows you, who really knows your business, who can really go deep with you… that is magic and it supports you so much more than if you were to constantly change coaches and mentors and work with each for a few months before you move on because you’re only able to get that surface-level support if that coach doesn’t know the ins and outs of your business and doesn’t really know you. Whereas when you’ve been working with the same mentor for a long time, they know you so well and they’re able to support you better than anyone.

Also consider the support system you have around you with your friends and family. Is there anyone draining your energy? Is someone in your life always pushing negativity towards you? How can you protect yourself from that?

Really have a think about what support you might need going into this next year, envision who you want to be this time next year and start showing up as her right now. What investments is she making to grow her business? What type of people is she surrounding herself with? What is she doing to prioritise her health? Who do you want to be and how can you become that person right now?

If you are looking for someone to support you with your business as you navigate this journey, I am accepting new private clients so you can send me a DM on Instagram (@marketingwithtish) and we can discuss your goals for 2023 and how I can support you in reaching those goals.

But whether it’s me or another mentor, or a community that you're part of, just make sure that you have someone there who gets it. Having supportive friends and family is great, but if they’re not in the online space then they don’t get it and they can’t give you the support they need because they’re not in this space.

Having someone there who’s been in the trenches and knows exactly what you’re going through is invaluable and will help you feel so much less alone on your journey because, let's be honest, online business can be lonely, especially if you’re trying to do everything yourself.

So, again, if you want to chat about private mentorship as we move into 2023, send me a DM on Instagram.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨


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