18 | How To Set (& Actually Achieve) Your Goals for 2023 (Part 1)




Episode Show Notes

If you are tired of setting the same goals for yourself every year, every quarter, even every month, but rarely accomplishing them then this episode is going to walk you through how to set goals for 2023 and ensure you actually hit them so that you can have your most profitable year yet!

This episode is part one of a two-part planning series. This episode is all about goal setting, and in part two we’ll be discussing sales planning.


  • Why & how to complete your end of year review

  • Planning your business around your life, not the other way around

  • How to get clear on what you really want to achieve

Links & Resources Mentioned:



How to Set & Actually Achieve Your Goals in 2023

2023 is fast approaching, but have you started planning yet?

If you are tired of setting the same goals for yourself every year, every quarter, even every month… but rarely accomplishing them then this episode is going to walk you through how to set goals for 2023 and ensure you actually hit them so that you can have your most profitable year yet!

This is actually part one of a two-part planning series that I have coming to you this year. This episode (part one) is all about goal setting, and in part two we’ll be discussing sales planning.

You are going to want to make sure that you have a pen and paper ready for this episode! You can follow along with the exercises as we go through, or you can head over to the show notes where they’ll all be written down for you - but I really encourage you to do these exercises while this episode is fresh in your mind.

1. End of year review.

Whenever you’re thinking about planning for a new year, the first thing you need to do is to reflect on the year you’ve just had with an end of year review. Before you look forward, it’s always helpful to spend some time looking back. So have a think about what’s happened for you within your business over this past year. 

  1. What’s worked well for you this year? 

  2. What drove the most revenue?

  3. What marketing efforts drove the best results and how can you build on that?

  4. What didn’t work so well?

  5. What challenges came up?

  6. What held you back from getting your desired results?

Take a look at your year as a whole and evaluate what you want to take into this next year, and what you want to leave behind.

2. Your life.

Life and business go hand in hand. What’s going on in your personal life is going to affect how you show up and how you run your business. So as you sit down to plan this next year, ask yourself: “What do I want my life to look like this year?”

Do you want to spend more time with your kids? Do you want to travel more? Do you want your business to be your sole focus? Do you have any holidays or trips planned?

Write all these things down, and if you have any important dates - such as trips away - make sure to put them into your calendar now.

For me personally, I’m going to be doing a lot of travelling in 2023. I’m taking a 3-5 month trip starting in Thailand and travelling around South East Asia from February, potentially until July. So I know that I’m not going to be quite as focused on my business during that time. I know that I need to prepare my business for me to be able to go slower during that time. I know that I need to plan strategically for multiple aspects of my business while I’m away so that it can still run smoothly. So I am taking all of that into consideration as I plan the next 12 months.

You might not be taking a big trip like that, but maybe you want to take a week or so off each quarter just to rest and recharge. You want to try and make sure you have those dates scheduled in so that you can work your business around that.

I really encourage all of my clients to take a week off each quarter - and this is getting on a little bit of a side tangent, but it’s so so important to take time off in your business so that you don’t burn out. Your body needs rest. Your brain needs rest. So I really want to encourage you to schedule at least 4 weeks off this year, once each quarter, so that you can give your brain a break.

And then once you’ve got any important dates written down, ask yourself:

  1. What does your ideal day look like?

  2. What does your ideal week look like?

  3. How much do you want to work?

  4. What matters most to you?

Envision yourself this time next year. What do you want your life to look like? Who do you want to be? And what changes or shifts do you need to make to be aligned with future you?

3. Get clear on what you really want to achieve.

It’s really easy to set business goals based on what we see other people doing, or what other people want for us. We’re so easily influenced by social media and what we think we should be striving towards that we don’t take into consideration what we actually want.

If you set yourself a goal of hitting 10k in revenue every month because that’s what you’ve seen in the online space or because that’s what the latest programme you’ve joined has claimed it can help you do, but you don’t actually align with that goal or have a solid reason for wanting to make that money… then you’re not going to be as motivated to achieve it. But if you abandon that goal, or you don’t hit that income level each month, then you’re still going to beat yourself up over it.

The key is to set goals that you really care about and actually excite you.

And to figure out what those goals should be, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What’s truly important to you?

  2. What do you want more of?

  3. What do you want less of?

  4. If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

  5. What makes you excited?

  6. How do you define success?

Ask yourself these questions and write down the first thing that comes to mind for each. From there, you’ll start to see what makes you happy and how you should be setting your business goals.

I actually went a lot deeper into this in Episode 5: How to Define What Success Looks Like to You so make sure to go and give that episode a listen!


There’s a lot to unpack within this episode, and the one thing I don’t want you to do is to listen to this and think “alright, I’ll get to that later” because, let’s be honest, you probably won’t.

What I want you to do straight after listening to this episode is take a look at your schedule for today and find a 30 minute slot that you can sit down and go through these exercises to start planning for 2023.

If you can do it straight after this episode, that would be amazing! But if you’re busy right now and you can’t find the time, then do make sure that you find that 30 minutes later in the day. You will benefit so so much from having clear goals as you move into 2023.

In the next episode of this two-part series, we’re going to be diving deep into sales planning so that you can ensure that 2023 is your best year yet!

If you haven’t already subscribed to the podcast, make sure to go and do that now so you don’t miss it when it’s live, and you can also subscribe to my email newsletter so that you can get the podcast sent straight to your inbox every week.

Good luck with all your goal setting and I’ll talk to you again soon when we sit down to map out your 2023 sales plan!


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨


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