21 | Your End-Of-Year Checklist to Set Your Business Up For Success in 2023




23 Things You Can Do to Start 2023 off from a Place of Growth

Can you believe the new year is almost here? I know we say it every year, but the time just seems to fly by! And because time just seems to move so quickly, there are often tasks within our business that we know we should be doing, but often get pushed aside by all the other things we have to do until they end up at the bottom to collect dust.

I want 2023 to be your best year yet. So, I've put together an end-of-year checklist, just for you, with 23 things you can do right now to set your business up for success as we move into the new year!

On this list, you'll likely find a few tasks you've been putting off, some tasks you've forgotten to do, and probably quite a few you haven't even thought of!


Connection & Collaboration

1. Reach out to past clients to wish them a happy new year and tell them how much you enjoyed supporting them this year

Letting your past clients know that you’re still thinking about them by checking in with a kind end-of-year message will increase your connection with them and put you back at the top of their mind as they think about how they need support in the new year. 

2. Reach out to 5 entrepreneurs you'd like to collaborate with in the new year

Collaboration is the fastest way to get visible and grow your audience, so think about other industry leaders you could collaborate with. This could be through a podcast swap, Instagram live, a list-building event… something that allows you to leverage each other’s audiences.

3. Poll your audience to see what content they'd like to see from you in the new year
It’s so important that you’re consistently conducting market research to ensure you’re serving your audience with exactly what they need. This can be as simple as throwing up a few polls on your Instagram Stories or sending out a quick survey to your email list.

4. Follow up with leads who didn't convert this year with how you can help them in 2023

If you’ve had sales conversations that haven’t converted, circle back around and see where they’re at now. Most of the time, those people will really appreciate that you’re still thinking of them and it could even result in closing that lead. But, again, you’re able to put yourself back in their minds.

5. Reach out to past customers & clients for testimonials

It’s likely that you’ve either worked with clients this year, you’ve had students go through your online course, or customers who have purchased your paid products but haven’t left a testimonial or a review. A great way to collect that from them is to simply reach out and ask. 

You can directly reach out to your private clients, and maybe even your course students. Or, you could send out a survey asking them to leave a testimonial and offer some kind of incentive to get them to actually do it.


6. Conduct your end-of-year review

Look back at this past year keeping in mind what went well, what didn’t go so well and how you can bring these experiences into 2023.

7. Set your goals for 2023

And this includes both your personal goals and your business goals. What do you want this next year to look like? How do you want to feel?

8. Put any promotional dates for 2023 in your calendar

If you know that you’ll be launching certain offers at certain times of the year, put those dates in. Maybe you’re doing a Black Friday sale… maybe you’re going to do a summer push for your coaching package or service… whatever it is, write it down now.

9. Create your sales & marketing plan for 2023

When you have an actual plan in place for how you’re going to make your sales, the whole process becomes so much easier as you can visually see what you need to do to make those sales.

👉🏽 Need help with your 2023 planning? Grab my Goal Setting & Yearly Planning Notion Dashboard.



If you have a bit of a slow period at the end of the year, this is the perfect time to do some of the organisational tasks that have been at the very bottom of your to-do list collecting dust for the past however many months.

10. Make sure your profile picture and branding is cohesive across your social media channels

If your audience are searching for you on other platforms, you want to make sure they can easily identify you. If you have conflicting branding and messages then it’s going to be confusing for them.

11. Remove inactive subscribers from your email list

This might seem counterintuitive, but removing your inactive subscribers will improve your deliverability rate. Having people on your list that are never opening and never engaging with your emails is doing so much more harm than good. And at the end of the day, do you really want people on your list who don’t want to be there?

12. Unfollow any accounts on social media that don't bring you joy

Your social media feed should be a place where you go for inspiration and to see things and people that make you happy. It shouldn’t be a place that brings up negative emotions or causes you to constantly compare yourselves to others, so if you are finding that these feelings are coming up then, just like your email list, it’s time to have a social media cleanse.

13. Review your subscriptions and cancel any that you don't use

I cannot count the number of memberships that I’ve signed up for that I don’t really need and very rarely use, but I stay subscribed to because I forget that I ever signed up for them in the first place. So if you are like me, go and see what monthly subscriptions you’re signed up for and cancel any that you aren’t using.

And while you’re at it, if you notice that you’re subscribed to a membership that you use a lot and you’re on the monthly plan, but they have an annual plan - go and switch to the annual plan! You will save so much money in the long run.

14.Organise your digital clutter (yeah, I'm talking about your Google Drive and your Canva account as well)!

This is honestly like the bane of all tasks… but it’s one that will make your life and business so much easier to navigate when you actually take the time to do this. So clear out all those old files, organise your photos and assets into folders, update the spaces in your project management system - get your business organised!

15. Update the testimonials on your website

When was the last time you actually went in and updated the testimonials for your offers? When was the last time you updates the social proof screenshots? If it was more than 6 months ago, it’s time for a refresh! 

16. Submit your tax return

This is the one we all love to avoid but it’s so so necessary, and the longer you put it off, the more stressful it will be.

If you live in the UK like me, the deadline is January 31st, but you don’t want to wait until a few days before and then something unexpected happens and you miss that deadline and then have to pay a fee. The sooner you do it, the less stress you’ll feel so just bite the bullet and get it in before January even rolls around.

Profit Generation

Everything in this category is designed to increase your sales and profit within your business.

17. Audit your offer suite

I spoke about this more in the 2023 planning series, but take a look at your current offer suite and make sure you’re aligned with everything you’re offering. Are there any offers you want to retire? Are there any new offers you want to create? And how can you make sure these offers all complement each other rather than competing?

18. Re-evaluate your pricing

Now, I do not say this to be that coach that’s like “you just need to raise your rates” because that’s not always true. But when you look at your pricing, do you feel aligned with it? Or do you feel like the value you’re offering is starting to outgrow that pricing? Once you’ve answered those questions, you can decide whether raising your rates is a good idea right now or not.

19. Create an order bump

This is my all-time favourite. I love order bumps because they give your customers the opportunity to add something extra during the checkout process that compliments the offer they’re buying, and it increases your average order value without any extra work from you. If you haven’t already got an order bump set up, this is something I would really encourage you to prioritise.

20. Create a lead magnet and set up a nurture sequence leading to your paid offer

If you don’t have some kind of lead magnet and some kind of nurture sequence that primes your audience to buy then you are missing out on a serious opportunity to generate leads and boost your sales.

21. Survey your customers & clients to see how you can improve your offers

Market research is always welcome. If you have past clients or course students, send out a quick survey to see what they enjoyed about the experience, what they felt was missing or could be improved, and again, you can use this as an opportunity to ask for a testimonial

22. Create a client referral programme

If you have clients, you should also have a referral programme - a way for your clients to be incentivised to actually go out and refer their friends, or their own audience members, to you.

I have clients who rarely even need to promote their signature offers and services on social media anymore because the majority of their clients come from referrals thanks to the programme they set up, which just goes to show how powerful this can be.

23. Send an email to your list letting them know how they can work with you in 2023

I couldn’t get to the end of this list without including a step to get you to actually go out and actively promote your offers and services. Your audience are not going to hire you or purchase from you unless you tell them how, so go out and sell!

👉🏽  Check out the Revenue Generating Activities Dashboard for 50+ activities you can do on a daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly basis to create consistent income in your business.

Which of these activities are you going to do first to prep for 2023? Send me a message on Instagram and let me know!


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨