04 | Perfectionism & Procrastination






Episode Blog Post

One of the biggest downfalls of new business owners is that they’re always waiting for the perfect time.

…to start their business.

...to start building their email list.

...to create and release the offer they’ve been thinking about for months.

...to show up and put themselves out there.

But here’s a truth bomb: Perfectionism is just another form of procrastination.

If you’re waiting for perfect, you’re never going to take action because there is no such thing as perfect timing and there’s no such thing as perfect. Making mistakes is how we learn and grow as humans and as business owners; and that’s what we’re talking about in this episode.

Nothing in my business has ever been perfect.

Let me share something with youL Nothing in my business has ever been perfect.

My first launch, for example, I was launching a membership (now retired) and think I made around $500…. and a lot of people may see this as a failed launch. They might see these results and think there’s no point in continuing because they’ve put in all this hard work and seen so little in return.

But that first launch taught me a lot about business. And although I didn’t necessarily make a lot of money, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I didn’t see it as a failed launch because I was over the moon that, I think it was 25 people, trusted me enough to invest in my offer!

And after that launch, I committed to improving not only on future launches, but also on the offer I had created for my students. Each time I launched it, it got better and better. So having that initial launch and seeing those people join motivated me to continue and to get better.

If I had given up and seen that launch as a failure, I would not have the business I have today.

Another example is this podcast. If you’re listening to this, you know that I recently launched this podcast… But what you might not know is that this isn’t actually my first podcast.

I released a podcast called The Influencer Lounge back in 2020, and that podcast only lasted a few months, for two reasons…

  1. Because I ended up pivoting my business niche.

  2. Because I didn’t realise just how much time and effort a podcast would require.

So now, as I release this podcast, I’m aware of the commitment this is going to require so when it came to creating this podcast I was ready. I have a launch plan in place. I’m batching my episodes. I know what I want from this podcast and it’s already so much better than my last one because I’ve learned and grown from that experience.

What are you procrastinating on?

So you, listening to this podcast right now, what is the first thing that comes to mind when I say “stop waiting for the perfect time”? What have you been putting off? 

Whatever it is that comes to mind, I want to encourage you to stop procrastination and waiting for the perfect time that’s never going to come and finally start doing the thing that’s going to move you forward in building the life you desire and building the business that supports that.

I can tell you from experience that the hardest part is actually getting started, but once you do it, you’ll wonder why on earth you didn’t do it sooner.

This podcast I’m creating today is in no way perfect and I never thought it would be. In fact, let me tell you something: As I’m recording this, it’s been 30 hours since I decided that I was going to release this podcast.

I was sitting in my garden yesterday morning and I’d already completed all of my work for the day. I was just sitting there thinking… ‘what’s one thing I could do right now to move my business forward?’

And the first thing that came to me was ‘launch the podcast’. Launching this podcast is something I have been thinking about doing and wanting to do for well over a year now… and I just thought, ‘why not? I’ve got nothing else to do today, let’s record an episode or two and see how it goes’.

So that’s what I did. I sat down and I recorded a podcast episode… and then I recorded another podcast episode… and then I started creating the podcast artwork… and the description… and all the things that go into podcasting.

When I woke up yesterday, I didn’t even know that I would be launching a podcast and today, 30 hours later, I’ve got 4 episodes ready, I’m recording another one right now and I’m planning my launch.

You know what that is? It’s taking messy, imperfect action.

The perfectionist in me could have waited until I had the best microphone and the best recording set up and hired the best team to perfectly edit it and create it and have all the bells and whistles. But that’s not what this podcast is about the podcast actually isn’t out there yet. 

For years, I have been speaking about the real, raw realities of building an online business. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, despite what a lot of entrepreneurs might portray it to be… and I want this podcast to reflect that

So I’m not waiting for perfect. I’m showing up as I am because I know that my audience. My ideal clients. My people. Are going to find so much value in what I have to share, regardless of whether it’s got all the bells and whistles.


So I’ll ask you again… What have you been procrastinating on? What have you been waiting for the perfect time to do?

Your perfectionism is just a fancy mask for procrastination. What you need to do is dig deeper and ask yourself “okay, why am I procrastinating on this?”

Maybe you’re scared of failure... Maybe you’re scared of judgement... It’s okay to feel fear, but if you let fear get the best of you, seeing growth within your business is going to be difficult.

Growth requires you to step up and step out of your comfort zone, and it might be hard at the time, but it will be so so worth it when you look back at how far you’ve come.

Here’s something I want you to remember: Something that’s 80% perfect that you’ve put out there into the world is always going to be far better than something that’s 97% perfect and still behind closed doors because you’re waiting for it to get to 100%.

And guess what? By starting, you get the opportunity to learn and improve based on your experience. You’re never going to reach anything close to perfect if you don’t start in the first place.

​​The most productive thing you can do as a business owner is to try new things, and you can’t do that if you’re always waiting for perfect. So whatever it is you’re procrastinating on right now, this is your sign to take action. Give yourself a timeframe of how long you want to give yourself to figure things out and then go and do it. Just get it out there. You can always improve in the future.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨