05 | How To Define What Success Means To You




Episode Show Notes

For a lot of people, when they think of success, the first thing that comes to mind is having lots of money and living the luxury lifestyle, and that's because of the image of success that we constantly see being pushed in the online space.

But if you took a step back and asked yourself "What does success actually mean to me? Why did I start my business in the first place?” A lot of the time, we'll find that our version of success isn't actually what success is portrayed as in the media.

In this episode, we’re talking about success. And most importantly, how to create your own definition of success so that you can start building your business on your own terms. A business that truly makes you happy.

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Episode Blog Post

When I mention success, what immediately pops into your head?

For a lot of people, the first thing that they'll think about is having lots of money and living the luxury lifestyle, and that's because of the image of success that we constantly see being pushed in the online space.

But if you actually took a step back and asked yourself "What does success actually mean to me? Why did I start my business in the first place?” A lot of the time, we'll find that our version of success isn't actually what success is portrayed as in the media

If you’re listening to this, you’re likely a business owner, or you’re an aspiring one. And you’re likely in the online space consuming information from other business owners and coaches.

Something that’s constantly said in the online space is that you always need to be reaching for more. You hit one level in your business and you’re straight onto the next level… and the next level… and the next.

And what I’m going to say next, you might not agree with, or you might… but I want you to hear me out.

You don't always need to strive for exponential growth. If it's not your goal to grow a multi 6 or 7 figure business, that's okay. And it's also okay if that is your goal…because success means something different to everyone.

What success means to me.

I think it's important to understand that not everyone's definition of success is the same. What I may deem as success, you might not. Or you might agree with how I define success, whether wholly or partially, but you may not have thought about success in that way before...

When it comes to defining what success means to me, I think it’s important to start with why I first started my business and the reason I even have this business today is simply because I didn’t want to be constrained by a 9-5.

So success, to me, is getting to wake up every day feeling excited to work on (and get paid for) something I’m passionate about. It’s having the flexibility to take weekdays off when I want to. It’s having the freedom to book that flight without someone telling me I can’t because “I’m needed in the office”. It’s being able to work from anywhere and feel genuinely happy doing so.

My definition of success is living a life that I have complete control over. That I don’t have to answer to anyone and I can essentially do what I want, when I want.

I am living my own definition of success right now.

Did you notice that my definition of success doesn’t include 10k months or 7-figure years? That’s because, to me, success isn’t about the money. It’s about what you DO with it. My definition of success isn’t about being ‘rich’. It’s about having a rich and fulfilled life. 

Comparison & leaning into other people’s definition of success.

With that being said, there have definitely been times when I’ve compared myself to other business owners in the online space and felt like I was behind, or like I had to reach these goals and milestones they were sharing online.

In the early days of my business, I saw these amazing entrepreneurs showing up and doing incredible things… it was plastered all over social media about how they made 6 figures in 6 months, or they were hitting consistent 10k months, and now they’re teaching others how to do the same…

And I would think to myself… “why am I not at that level yet? What am I doing wrong?” But what I forgot in those moments was… that’s not why I started my business. That’s never what I wanted.

Sure, I could build a multi 6 figure business, even 7 figure business if I wanted to… But to do that, it would require me to work a lot harder than I do. It would require me to sacrifice my 4 hour workdays. It would require me to sacrifice time with my loved ones. It would require me to hire a team. It would require a lot more than I’m doing right now and it would require me to make sacrifices I’m not willing to make in order to scale.

So in those moments, I may think that I’m behind, but the reality is that I’m already living my own version of success and it takes me actually taking a second to step back and think… “is this really want I want?” to realise that I don’t actually want to achieve any of these things, I’m just being influenced by the content I’m consuming - which is another discussion that we definitely need to have on this podcast!

We are bombarded left, right & centre by the success of others and other people’s versions of success. We are taught to believe that if we don’t have [insert thing we don’t have here], then we’re not successful and we won’t be successful until we get that thing.

But then a new thing appears that we don’t yet have and so we start striving to attain that thing… the cycle is never-ending.

We often see other people’s success and we begin to agonise over what we haven’t yet achieved or where we ‘should be’ rather than focusing on what we have already achieved and just how far we’ve come. 

Until you define what success looks like to you, you will be fighting a losing battle. Because success is relative. What it may mean to one person is completely different to what it means to another

While one person’s definition of success may be building a 7 figure business with a huge team to help them run said business, another person may simply want a side hustle to make an extra thousand or so a month so that they can be comfortable.

Your definition of success may be similar to the first person, or it could be similar to the second person… or it could be somewhere in between. So get inspired by others, but don’t base your success on the path they followed. Create your own based on what you truly want.

And when I say ‘what you truly want’, I mean what you truly want. Because social media and our growing obsession with external validation has made us strive for things we wouldn’t necessarily want otherwise.

Growth for growth’s sake seems to be the norm right now. As soon as you hit one income goal, it’s onto achieving the next one… and the next… and the next and it becomes this neverending cycle.

You need to figure out what your version of success is, put your blinders on and strive for that.

Because if you strive for anyone else’s version of success, you will likely feel disappointed when you reach that milestone and realise that it’s not necessarily what you wanted, or you still have this empty gap… you don’t feel fulfilled…

Your family cannot tell you want success is. No one on social media can tell you what success is. Your coach can’t tell you what success is. I can’t tell you want success is… the only person that can define success, is you…


How to define what success means to you.

To define our success, we first have to accept that success comes in many different forms. There’s no one goal or one finish line when it comes to success. The only goal truly matters is the one that you want.

So, some questions to ask yourself… and if you’ve got a pen and paper handy, or even the notes app on your phone, write these questions down and answer them once you’ve finished this episode.

  1. What does my dream life look like? 

  2. What makes me feel most fulfilled?

  3. Why did I start my business?

  4. How can I build my business in a way that supports the life I desire?

  5. How much do I need to make to afford the lifestyle I want to live?

And when you're doing anything in your business, ask yourself... “how does this bring me closer to the life I desire?”

It’s time to stop looking around to other people and basing success on what you see on social media or what your family have told you and start to base your definition of success on yourself.

Success doesn’t have to be obvious. It does’’t have to be big and bold and make other people stop and stare in awe. 

Success can come from the little things… the small things that make you happy and ultimately, getting to live your life on your own terms.

Another thing to know is that your goals and your definition of success won't always stay the same. As you grow and develop as a person, and within your business, your goals may shift. Something you never thought of before may become a goal that you have, or something you used to want may not seem so important anymore

So while you're defining what success means to you right now, know that it's okay if this changes in the future. Just make sure that change is truly coming from you and not influenced by others.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨