the difference between successful & unsuccessful entrepreneurs

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Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs are successful and others fail? The answer lies within their daily habits.

Entrepreneurship is constantly glamorised with images of CEOs lying on the beach and working on their laptop with a mojito in hand - you know the ones? And here’s the thing - entrepreneurship can look like this. But it goes much, much deeper than that.

You don’t get to see the behind the scenes of that picture. The hard work. The sleepless nights. You see what these entrepreneurs want you to see of their life and their entrepreneurial journey. Not the whole reality.

The reality of entrepreneurship is all about hard work, persistence and sacrifice. There’s no such thing as an overnight success, no matter how much social media tries to convince you there is.

In order to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to act like a successful entrepreneur before you become one. So let’s talk about the 5 habits all self-made, successful entrepreneurs have in common.



You can't pour from an empty cup. Successful entrepreneurs know this and put in the work to identify and understand their limiting beliefs and work on upgrading their mindset.

Here’s how I commit to working on my mindset daily:

What can you do to open your mind?


See that entrepreneur over there who's just sold out their launch? It's because she showed up consistently and positioned herself in front of her audience so they couldn't forget her name.

If you want to be successful, you have to commit to showing up consistently. This could look like creating a consistent posting schedule for social media, setting yourself specific and realistic goals or scheduling set days and times that you’ll work on your business, not just in it.

Check out this blog post where I break down 10 productivity hacks for busy entrepreneurs.


Successful entrepreneurs are proud of the offer they’ve created. They know their offer facilitates real results and they aren't afraid to talk about it. Every. Single. Day.

Fear of selling is one thing that comes up time and time again within discussions with my clients. I am constantly hearing statements from business owners like “I don’t want to annoy my followers by selling”.

Sound familiar?

You need to stop being scared to promote your offer on the platform you created to sell your offer.

It doesn’t matter if you promoted your offer on your Stories last week, or you mentioned it in the call-to-action in your latest caption. Post it again!

Someone who followed you yesterday won't have seen that post. Even someone who WAS following you might not have seen it.

We do not see every single post of every single person we follow. So why are you under the impression that all of your followers are seeing all of your posts? It doesn't work like that.

As consumers, we need to see something 8-12 times before we even CONSIDER purchasing. 

So you need to show up for those people in your audience that don't see every post. That don't know what you offer. That need to see something more than just once or twice before they think about purchasing.

And you need to stop thinking that you're going to 'annoy' your audience. It all comes back to the fact that YOU created this platform for YOU. Your audience are fully aware that they're following a business owner and they expect you to sell. If they don't want what you have to offer, they won't buy it. Simple as that. 

Do not be the entrepreneur who fails because they were too afraid to sell.

Need some ideas on how to sell? Check out this post on the 5 types of Instagram content that converts well.


Successful entrepreneurs invest in themselves daily.

I know what’s coming… “but I don’t have the money to invest”. 

Listen, I get it. Money is often tight when you’re first starting out. However, investing in your business can be more than just a monetary exchange.

Investing in your business can look like:

  • Dedicating time to work on building your business instead of watching TV

  • Growing your knowledge through books, podcasts, online courses etc.

  • Hiring team members and mentors to support you

Many early-stage entrepreneurs are hesitant to spend money until they’ve signed their first client or earned their first [insert whatever monetary goal you’re working towards here]. But the reality is that it takes money to make money and very few successful business owners have grown their business on their own, without making strategic investments. 

The key is making sure that you make smart and strategic investments.


The one thing ALL successful entrepreneurs have in common? They never give up. 

Despite all the failures, all the tears and all the times they wanted to throw in the towel... they get back up and go again with a new lesson learned and ready to grow from.

So the next time you experience a failed launch or you don’t hit your income goals or literally anything in your business doesn’t work out as planned, remember that starting and running a business isn’t easy.

There will be lots of ups and downs, lots of trial and error and you will make mistakes. 

One thing that comforts me in the midst of failure is reminding myself that everything is happening for me, not too me - something I learned from Gabby Bernstein in her book The Universe Has Your Back.

If things don’t go the way you envisioned, it’s time to look at it from a fresh angle and try something different. Approach your failures and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

You can save this post as a reminder:

via @marketingwithtish on Instagram

via @marketingwithtish on Instagram


What are you willing to do to grow and succeed in your business?

If you're ready to step into the shoes of a successful entrepreneur, but you know you’re going to need some support and accountability from someone who’s already been where you are now AND you’re ready to invest in your next level self - find out how I can support you with 1:1 Voxer Mentorship here.

xo, Leticia