The Problem With Income Claim Marketing


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One of my biggest pet peeves about the online space is income claim marketing.

I’m talking about sayings like:

  • “I made 6 figures in 6 months and if you follow this strategy, so can you!”

  • “How I made 20k in one day”

  • “My client made 30k following my launch method”

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve seen this marketing method being used in the online space, but how do you feel when you hear these messages?

At some point, they may have been a source of inspiration, motivation and a look into what could be possible for you. However, constant exposure to these statements can often lead to feelings of jealousy, anxiety and wondering what you’re doing wrong if you haven’t achieved a certain level of success within a certain timeframe.

In this blog post, I’m going to explore why income claim marketing can be damaging if not used the right way and what to look out for.



That typical 'all I've done this week is sit on a beach and sip margaritas and I've made 20k' is the biggest lie out there. Money doesn't just fall out of the sky and into your lap while you're relaxing. It comes from all the work you did beforehand in order to get there.

If someone is claiming to have made 20k in one week, it's because that's when they opened the cart to their offer - but what they haven't shared is the time they spent building up with the pre-launch, the amount of time the programme took to create, the amount of time that they'll still have to spend working inside the programme whether it be through client support or course updates etc.

So let's be clear: You were PAID 20k this week. You did not make it today. 

The days, weeks, maybe even months of work you put into creating, marketing and selling is what made you that money.


One of the hottest topics right now is entrepreneurs claiming to have made ‘6 figures in 6 months’ and creating courses and programmes claiming that anyone who goes through them can achieve the same.

Now I know that having a 6 figure business is completely possible and I admire anyone who has achieved this, but I also know that building something this big requires a hell of a lot of work and dedication. So when I see these flashy programmes promoting hitting 6 figures in 6 months and making out like it's the easiest thing in the world and that you can make all this money in your sleep... it just doesn't sit right with me.

This concept is so widely circulated within the online space, and because of this, so many new, or even seasoned entrepreneurs come across that content and see these entrepreneurs saying things like "building a 6 figure business is easy", and it often makes them feel less than if they haven't achieved those same results in the same amount of time.

The reality is that most business owners don't hit this milestone within 6 months of starting their business. In fact, most business owners won't ever reach this milestone. The truth is that hitting 6 figures in 6 months is a benchmark of success designed by business coaches to get you to join their coaching programmes and it's such an unhealthy narrative.

Because of the stigma surrounding this fast growth and income being the go-to definition of success, a lot of entrepreneurs are forgetting why they started in the first place and striving to achieve someone elses's version of success.

Success isn't just about building this massive 6 figure business. Success can also look like making a few hundred dollars on the side each month or freeing up more time to spend with your family and friends. It could look like making just enough to replace your salary so that you can work for yourself or simply waking up every day and getting to do something that you love.

Don't get caught up chasing a dream that was never yours to begin with and please remember that this journey is different for everyone and the most important thing is that you focus on what makes sense for YOU.



Something I really should not have to tell you is this: You can't believe everything you see and read in the online space.

Anyone can say they made a certain amount of money - that doesn't make it true. Remember that the online space is filled with people trying to make money online, and whilst there are a lot of business owners who show up with authenticity and integrity - unfortunately, there are a few that slip through the cracks and will say anything to make themselves look better.

Don't hire someone simply because they claim to make 10, 20 or even 50k months. If income claims are the only types of wins they share, I’ll bet there's something a little fishy going on there.


We've all heard the saying "it takes money to make money" and it's true! Income claims without transparency on what it cost to get there are unfounded. 

A coach may make 20k one month, but they may have spent 10k on ads and 7k on their team and marketing, leaving them with a profit of only 3k... still a large amount of money but a significant drop from that initial 20k.

The amount of sales you make is only one part of the story.


If you're going to use income claim marketing, please be transparent about it. Or better yet, focus on the other wins and benefits you help your clients with. There are so many other outcomes that matter to your clients.

What are your thoughts on income claim marketing? 🤔 Send me a DM on Instagram to let me know your thoughts.

xo, Leticia

P.S. If you’re ready to grow your business on your own terms, I’m currently accepting Private Mentorship Clients. This is for the woman who wants to grow her business without sacrificing her time or energy. By the end of our time together, you’ll have a marketing strategy that brings more time, freedom and profit to you and your business. Find out more & apply here.