how i tripled my income in one year

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In 2019, I made the decision to start my own business. Back then, I was an influencer coach teaching aspiring bloggers and content creators how to grow their online presence and monetise their Instagram and blog through brand deals.

Within the first few months I had taken on my first clients and they were getting great results, but my own business wasn’t where I hoped it would be. I tried for months, but I just couldn’t reach the income level I had been hoping for.

I knew how to build a business as a blogger and content creator, but as an online coach selling my own services? It was completely new to me. 

I had no clear sales or marketing strategy and it showed… My DMs were usually cricket central, and when I did have a potential client reach out I undervalued myself and severely undercharged for my services.

I knew that if I wanted something bigger for myself, I had to DO something different.

So that’s what I did…

In just 12 months, I completely transformed my business. Here’s what it looks like now:

  • I tripled my income in just one year

  • My clients consistently get incredible results

  • I actually enjoy waking up in the morning to work - in fact, I wake up earlier

  • I’ve never felt so in alignment with my life

None of this happened by accident. It was all part of a carefully calculated plan to bring this to reality and reach that next level in my business.

There are 6 main habits I began implementing to make this happen, so let’s talk about what they are.



Mindset work never interested me in my first year of business - I thought it was fluffy woo-woo type stuff and I was sick of seeing it everywhere I looked. I rolled my eyes and thought “how can you possibly think a successful business into reality?” in my eyes, strategy was the only thing that mattered.

It wasn't until last year that I realised the true power of mindset after my coach gifted me the book The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein. If you haven’t read it, go and order it right now. It will change your life!

After reading that book, I committed to working on my mindset and improving every single day and it’s made a world of difference to my motivation and productivity as well as turning me into a genuinely happier person.

If you’re looking for some personal development books to read, check out this blog post for my top recommendations: 5 Must-Read Books for Female Entrepreneurs


When I first started my business, I was too afraid to niche down because I thought that doing so would limit who I could work with and that I would struggle to find clients. It actually had the opposite effect and helped me to stand out amongst my competitors.

As well as niching down, I made an effort to really get to know my ideal client, their pain points and goals through various market research strategies and I committed to creating genuine connections and relationships with my audience.

I also prioritised video marketing and storytelling to increase my connection with my audience. Because of this, I now have an engaged audience who know, like and trust me that has resulted in many friendships, business opportunities and of course, sales.


When I first started my business, you could book 3 months of 1:1 coaching with me for under $500. 

Yep, you read that right. I was giving 6 90 minute biweekly calls, unlimited Voxer access and my undivided time and attention away for less than $500. 

As a result, I attracted bargain hunters who weren’t willing to put in the work to see the results they desired and I ended up resenting my business because I was doing so much work without seeing the income to match.

When I realised that I was undervaluing myself, I raised my prices to reflect the transformation my service facilitated. 

Not only did this allow me to increase my income and receive a payment that reflected my time, energy and the transformation I was giving my clients, it also ensured I was attracting the RIGHT type of client who was willing to put in the work to achieve the results they hired me for.


Although I now teach a lot on the power of content marketing through my course, Sold Out Content and The Story Lounge, I haven’t always found content easy. 

I often posted just because I thought you had to post every day (hello outdated Instagram advice online ‘gurus’ are still spouting) and I didn’t always have a clear purpose or intention behind my posts. On top of that, I avoided showing up on Stories at all costs - that one seems to surprise a lot of people.

Now, I ensure that every single piece of content I put out works to either build my authority, connect with my audience, motivate them or sell my offers. 

Need help with your content? Read this blog post: 5 Types of Instagram Content that Converts Well



Over the past year, I’ve put a lot more focus into building my online presence off of Instagram.

Although Instagram is an amazing tool to market your business, it shouldn’t be your entire business. Too often I’ve seen entrepreneurs lose their livelihoods when Instagram decides to shut down their account and they’re left to restart from 0. 

That’s why I’ve put more focus into building my email list and serving my subscribers consistently with high-quality content. I also launched this blog to provide even more value-based content and reach a larger audience using Pinterest to drive traffic and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in 2021!


I definitely didn’t sell enough when I first started my business and yes, it was from the fear of coming across too ‘salesy’ and annoying my audience. 

I adjusted my mindset to constantly remind myself that I started my business to sell my offers. I reminded myself that there are people out there who need what I have to offer and need me to tell them about it. I show up for them.

Now, I sell in one way or another every single day. And guess what? My sales have increased significantly and not once have I ever received a DM from someone who was annoyed because I was selling.

These 6 things have completely transformed my business! And the one thing that connects them all? Consistency. In all of the above.

Even when things got tough, I lacked motivation or I didn't reach a goal... I got back up and tried again - because the only way to make progress is to take small, imperfect steps consistently.

If you’re ready to transform your business, click here to book a month of 1:1 Voxer Mentorship, accountability and support with me.

xo, Leticia