5 types of instagram content that converts

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Do you ever put pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard) ready to map out your content, but your mind just goes blank?

Do you struggle to create content that actually converts your Instagram followers into clients and generates sales?

If you’ve been winging your Instagram content strategy with no idea how to truly convert your followers into clients then you’ll want to read this post!

Today, I’m outlining 5 types of content that you can start posting right away to help you ssell your offers on Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platform you use whether you're an online coach, consultant, service provider or course creator!



As a business owner with a product or offer to sell, you should know exactly why your ideal client needs your offer. Once you know this, you’ll be able to create much clearer messaging that really speaks to the true needs of your ideal client.

Emotion is the overriding driving force behind purchasing decisions and as consumers, we purchase products and services that we believe will help us navigate further away from ‘pain’ or ‘lack’ and bring us closer to our desires.

Your offer should exist to solve your ideal clients pain point. For example, someone looking to hire a Virtual Assistant may currently be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted with all the work they’re doing. This is their pain point. After hiring a Virtual Assistant, they should feel supported and have more time for [insert your ideal clients biggest desires here e.g. family, travel etc].

Now take some time to work out the pain points and desires of your ideal client and how your offer works to solve this - I’d suggest drawing out a table and conducting some market research!

With the P.S.A (Pain, Solution, Antidote) method, you’ll pinpoint your ideal clients biggest pain point, tell them what the solution is and then present the antidote: your offer.

When you do this, you’re able to explain exactly how your offer will help them overcome their pain point and execute the solution so that they can step into the situation they desire, hence making your offer irresistible!


You know how when you go to your local supermarket, you often see brands offering out free samples of their products for you to try? This is because when consumers receive a taste of something they are far more inclined to purchase the full product.

Free content is the digital counterpart to this and has the same effect.

Providing free value builds trust and credibility amongst your audience and proves that you know what you’re talking about and are actually able to help them get results - especially if they’ve already received a quick win as a result of your free content.

You could incorporate this into your content strategy by sharing regular mini trainings on  niche specific topics that will give your ideal client a quick win if they implement it. By doing this, you’ll give your audience a small taste of the value inside your offer and when they see you providing this value for free, they’ll start to wonder “if [your name]’s free content is this good, I can’t imagine how valuable her paid offers are”.


Did you know that emotion impacts buying decisions 80% more than logic? If you want your marketing content to be effective, it’s imperative that you drill into the emotions of your ideal client.

In order to sell your offers - especially high ticket packages - you need your ideal client to know, like and trust you. In order to get them to know, like and trust you, you need to create a connection with them.

And you know how people connect with people? Through storytelling.

Create content sharing your story. Show the person behind the brand, share your why, your success and your failures. Tap into the emotions of your ideal client.


Another great way to build trust and credibility is through showcasing your clients (and your own) wins and success stories.

Showing the transformation someone has undergone as a result of your paid offer presents you as an authority and allows your ideal client to see you as someone who can facilitate the results and the transformation they’re looking to achieve because you’ve already done it for others.

Basically, you’re showing that you don’t just talk the talk - you also walk the walk.


Now, this one requires you to actually talk about your offer.... what?!?!? *insert mind-blown emoji here*

I know talking about your offer can be uncomfortable, but how can you expect to make sales if you’re not telling your audience that you have something to offer?

Talk about your offer regularly! Give your audience the inside scoop, behind the scenes, show your framework, explain who it’s for, what it helps them achieve etc.


If you’re ready to start bringing in more clients than ever before, make sure to add these types of content to your content calendar and use them regularly! 

xo, Leticia