how to achieve your goals: the power of accountability in business

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I think we can all agree that running your own business is hard. Like really hard… and a lot of the time we can stand in our own way.

How many times have you told yourself that you’re going to launch this new offer or stay consistent with your content or whatever else you’ve been thinking about doing but never actually gotten around to?

Your business (and bank account) is never going to grow if you’re constantly sitting on ideas and intentions without taking action.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest downfalls of new business owners is that they come up with all these amazing ideas that they intend to get around to, but when it comes down to it, they just let them fall to the bottom of the pile and get lost.

The difference between success and failure all comes down to one thing: the level of accountability we hold ourselves to.



Let's take a look at the facts surrounding accountability..

According to a study conducted by AFCPE, here's how likely you are to achieve your goals based on your level of accountability:

✨ Having an idea or goal = you're 10% likely to complete it

✨ Planning how to do it = 50%

✨ Telling someone that you will do it = 65%

✨ Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to = 95%

Click here to read the full study.

How many times have you started something and let it fall off, whether it's because you didn't see any initial results or simply struggled to keep the habit?

Knowing you’ve committed your goal to someone and that they’ll be checking in regularly pushes you to take action significantly more than if you’re only accountable to yourself.

And that is exactly why I created my signature service, 1:1 Voxer Mentorship - to give you the support and accountability you need to finally start taking action on your goals and building the business you've been dreaming of.


While many of my clients sign up for Voxer Mentorship for the bespoke advice, strategy and clarity I deliver, one thing my clients always say is that they didn’t realise how valuable it could be to have someone in their corner consistently to hold them accountable, motivate them during the slumps and ensure they’re taking the action necessary to achieve their goals.

Here are three ways I do that for them:


At the start of the month, I have my clients set three intentions or goals that they’ll be working towards. We then break down these intentions into smaller action steps they’ll take to ensure they’re able to achieve each intention or goal.

Every Monday, I have my clients create their top three action items for the week, and on Friday I check in to see how they got on, what achievements they’re celebrating, what challenges came up that may have gotten in their way, and how we can prevent them from happening again in the future.

Having this ritual in place means that my clients know exactly what they need to do to move the needle forward in their business and that they’re fully supported every step of the way.


You know those days when you feel like there’s something ‘off’ in your business but you can’t quite work out what it is? Or when you create something new and just want a second pair of eyes from a marketing expert who knows what they’re talking about? Or you’re just so lost in all the things you could be doing, but not sure which path is best for you right now?

My clients have access to me throughout the week where they’re able to receive tailored advice and support with anything they’re working on or towards. For example, last week, with my client Aimee, we mapped out her entire content plan for the month ahead to ensure she's showing up and consistently selling her services.

Through Voxer Mentorship, I’m able to provide my clients with expert advice, clarity and breakthroughs to make massive shifts in their business. 


Regardless of what stage of business you’re in, there’ll always be times where you question yourself, or simply get stuck in a slump. That’s why I like to bless my client with hella motivational pep talks to silence the doubt and give them the boost they need.

 Sometimes, all we need is an outside perspective and someone to kick us into action!

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The more accountability you have, the greater your chance of succeeding. 

If you feel like you could use a little accountability in your business, click here to book yourself a month of Voxer Mentorship, accountability and support with me.

xo, Leticia