62 | 2024 Marketing Predictions: How to stand out & continue to grow




2024 Marketing Predictions

Things change extremely quickly in the online marketing world and, as business owners, we need to be able to change and adapt. In this blog post, I’m going to be sharing 5 marketing trends to look out for in 2024 and what you need to do to ensure you stand out & continue to grow as a solopreneur.


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Content That Sells

Episode 56: How I grew my email list by 4k+ in one week

If you’ve been in the online space for a while, I’m sure you’re aware of how fast things can change when it comes to marketing. As quickly as one trend is born, another can die. And as frustrating as it might be, this is simply the reality of the world we live in and as business owners, we need to be able to change and adapt.

In this episode, I’m going to be sharing 5 marketing predictions I have for 2024 and what you can do to ensure you stand out and continue to grow your business.

1. AI… that’s right, it’s not disappearing anytime soon.

It only makes sense to kick things off with the biggest elephant in the room - AI. Whether you like it or not, AI is by far the biggest marketing trend happening right now, and that will only continue into 2024.

I have seen a lot of AI-generated content over the past few months and while I get that it is quick and easy to create, let’s be honest… a lot of it just sounds robotic, over the top and impersonal.

AI is great to use as a starting point and it can generate some great ideas, but if you want to stand out you need to make sure that you’re making it your own. At the end of the day, your audience want YOU. They don’t want to read content from a robot that sounds like everyone else and they can easily tell has come from AI.

While there’s nothing wrong with using AI to help you come up with ideas and gather inspiration, please make sure that you are being yourself and sharing your unique voice with your audience.

Btw, if you’re searching for an AI tool that can help you with your marketing materials, I’m personally a huge fan of Marketing Magic (affiliate link). I use this app to help me create my sales pages in a fraction of the time I would usually spend on them!

2. Long-form content

We’re already seeing people moving away from social media platforms, such as Instagram, due to the lack of organic reach and engagement users are receiving, and I’m sure that this will only continue into 2024.

Before you say that creating long-form content is too much work, hear me out! If you go about this process the right way, you could actually end up spending less time creating content that performs even better than the content you’re creating right now.

You get to create one piece of long-form content each week that has the potential to live on for years with the help of things like SEO and Pinterest. Another way it lives on is because you’re able to create multiple pieces of content from that one piece of long-form content. For example, you can turn your blog post into an email, 2-3 Instagram captions, a TikTok video etc.

It also allows you to expand on your content and share more of your expertise since you’re not limited to the Instagram word count. And if you’re core piece of long-form content is video or audio-based, you increase the connection you have with your audience dramatically!

So long-form content is going to be an incredible asset to your business and something that you should definitely think about adding to your content strategy in 2024 if you’re not doing this already.

3. Multi-channel marketing

When you’re present on multiple channels, you have the opportunity to reach more of your ideal clients on the different platforms they’re hanging out on, and reach different types of consumers.

Using my own business as an example, I have a podcast and I know that this is perfect for people who love to consume content on the go and are looking for content that goes more into depth. But I know that not everyone who wants long-form content loves to listen to podcasts and so I turn my podcast episodes into blog posts as well. This gives them the opportunity to choose how they consume that content and because I provide both options, both types of consumers are likely to stick around.

I then create 5-10 Pinterest pins linking to my blog post so that anyone who clicks has the option to read the blog post or listen to the podcast through the embedded player and link that I provide to the actual episode. After this, I take my blog post and turn it into 1, sometimes 2, emails so that I’m nurturing my list and providing value to them. And then I also repurpose that content to Instagram through a mixture of feed posts, reels and Instagram Stories and by doing all of this, I’m able to reach different types of consumers and spread my message so much further than if I were to only have my podcast.

This might seem like a lot of work, but once I’ve created my podcast I’ve got all the content there already, so I’ve been doing this for a while now and I can create all of that content within 90 minutes or so…

So if you want to get more visible in 2024, multi-channel marketing is definitely the way to go! I teach this in my online course, Content That Sells.


4. Collaboration

Collaborating with other business owners and leveraging each others audiences is one of the best ways to grow right now. This year, I participated in a ton of bundles, I hosted my own bundles, I spoke in summits… I really prioritised collaboration as a way to grow and it paid off more than I could have imagined.

I started the year with an email list of 800 subscribers - and I had been growing that list for years. As we’re finishing the year, I now have an email list of over 6,000 subscribers and 90% of those subscribers have come from the collaborations and events that I’ve participated in this year. 

This year, I have had my best year in business. I’ve served more students and helped more people than ever before, and I’ve made more sales and profit than since I first started my business back in 2019. I wholeheartedly believe that that is primarily due to me prioritising collaboration and visibility opportunities this year.

So if you have been feeling kind of stuck and stagnant with your growth, perhaps a way for you to move past that is by collaborating with other business owners in similar industries to your own and working with each other and helping each other to grow.

If you would like to hear about my experience hosting and participating in bundles over this past year, episode 56 goes into depth about how I did that, the stats, and how you can do the same. Like always, I will link to it in the show notes if you want to listen.

5. Transparency and values-based marketing

There has been a lot of unethical and manipulative marketing and business practices that have been widely taught and used in the online space, and consumers are thankfully becoming a lot wiser to this now. They are being drawn to brands who align with their values and are more ethical in their approach to marketing.

For example, fear tactics, a huge focus on pain points and objection handling are all strategies that many online business owners have employed as a way to get people to buy. However, these tactics feel inauthentic and quite frankly, manipulative. People are definitely becoming more aware of these tactics, they are not working as well, and people are connecting more with brands who are truly standing up and coming from a place of service and value rather than trying to trap them into a sale.

So the more transparent you are, the more you embody your values, the more ethical approach you take to business, the more you will stand out in 2024 and the more your clients and students and prospects will appreciate you and connect with you.


Instagram: @marketingwithtish

Website: leticiajcollins.com


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Hey, I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

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