56 | How I grew my email list by 4,200+ new subscribers in one week (without paid ads)




How I grew my email list by 4k+ new subscribers in one week (without paid ads)

I recently grew my email list with 4,200+ new subscribers in one week. No ads. No sketchy bots. Just organic marketing. How? By hosting a free bundle event.

In this episode, we’ll talk about what a list-building bundle is, what they can do for your business, how you can start contributing to (or hosting your own) bundles to grow your email list and bring more qualified leads into your online business.


What is a free bundle event?

Back in August, I hosted an event called The Balanced Business Bundle… and it was a HUGE success! Basically, I gathered a group of business & marketing experts and convinced them to give away one of their paid products for FREE for a limited time only inside the bundle.

The goal was to provide my audience (& the audience of all our contributors) with a bundle of high-quality resources to help you grow & scale your business... & from the feedback, we definitely did what we set out to do!!

What are the benefits of bundles?

Now that you have an idea of what a bundle event is, let’s talk about the benefits of free bundle events, because it might seem counterintuitive to give away paid offers for free… but doing this provides a number of benefits:

1. Bundles are a great opportunity to get in front of new people

Contributing to, or hosting, a bundle is an incredibly quick and easy way to get in front of a whole new audience and grow your email list with targeted leads.

The last bundle I hosted had around 40 contributors (but bundles can have anywhere from 10 - 300+ contributors - it just depends on what the host is looking for). These people are not only contributing to the bundle, but also sharing it with their own audiences. 

With the 40 contributors I had in my last bundle, we had a combined audience reach of 140,000 people. And of course not everyone is going to open the emails, but we had 4,200 people opt in for the bundle. That’s 4,200 people every single one of my contributors were being exposed to. My top-performing contributor grew their email list by 1,500 people directly from the bundle, which is an insane amount of people!

And the best thing about it is that those who sign up for the bundle have a choice. They’re not automatically added to every contributor’s email list or given their gift - they get to pick and choose which gifts they sign up for. And this means that as a contributor, you are only getting qualified leads on your list. People who are genuinely interested in the topics you teach on and likely want to learn more.

So bundles really do allow you to boost your visibility and bring in new leads in such a short space of time.

2. You have the opportunity to earn passive income

You have the opportunity to make passive sales instantly and build trust with new leads who may become clients further down the road. As a contributor to a bundle, you will usually be allowed to set up a tripwire with your free gift - and I actually highly encourage my contributors to do this!

A tripwire is a low-priced, irresistible offer that is presented to someone after they opt-in for your lead magnet. This is usually a one-time offer that can only be accessed on that page, or for a limited amount of time. Obviously, not everyone who signs up for your gift is going to take you up on this, but some will! And this is a really great way to earn some passive income and turn your new subscribers into instant customers. If you have a $37 tripwire and 20 people take you up on that, that’s an extra $740 alone!

You also have the opportunity to upsell those who signed up for your free gift in your email welcome sequence - and this is the biggest money maker! As long as you make sure your upsell is relevant to the offer they signed up for, you’re likely to see a few people convert at least.

I do actually have a resource where I share my strategy for contributing to bundles strategically, it’s called The Profitable Bundle Contributor, so if you want to learn more about that then click here to find out more.

You can earn a lot of money as a contributor. As a bundle host, you have the potential to earn even more!

In the last bundle I hosted, not only was I getting the passive income that came through my funnel as people were signing up for my free gift, but I also placed affiliate ads on the claim page that actually performed a lot better than I expected them to and I ended up earning over $2,000 in affiliate sales.

With the bundle I’m currently planning, I am also offering VIP spots to my contributors and so far, I’ve sold $1,500+ in VIP spots. So there’s so much you can do to earn money as a bundle host.

3. You’re providing a huge amount of value to your audience

You get to provide your audience with a valuable selection of resources to grow their business, covering a range of different categories that you don’t cover yourself.

You are not the only contributor, there are a tonne of other business owners also contributing their gifts and so when you share that with your audience, you are providing them with so much value that you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to offer them and this is usually something that they’re really going to appreciate.

4. Bundles are a great way to grow your network

As a bundle host especially, I have made a lot of new connections as a result. I’ve been invited to participate in other bundles and summits, I’ve had contributors invite me to be on their podcasts, I’ve made new biz besties, and I’ve even had contributors hire me as their mentor.

It feels so good to be able to collaborate and connect with people that you may never have known before, so that’s another big benefit to bundles.


How can I contribute to a bundle?

As you know, I have been a bundle host and a contributor, and I’ll be honest and say that hosting a bundle can be a lot of work. So if you’re interested in seeing what a free bundle could do for your business then I highly recommend contributing to a few bundles first so that you can get a feel for how they work.

If you want to start contributing to bundles in a strategic way that's going to bring you a tonne of new subscribers & sales, I put together a resource called The Profitable Bundle Contributor to help you do just that! 

This is the ultimate checklist to unlock the true potential of bundle collaborations and start building your email list with paying customers 💸

How can I host a bundle?

If you've already been a bundle contributor and you want to start hosting your own bundles, I personally invested in an online course to help me to this. 

It was Kate Doster's course, Collaboration Cash-In, and this course literally provided me with everything I needed to host my own bundle. Pitch templates, a detailed to-do list, swipe copy… everything!

This is the exact strategy I used to create & host the Balanced Business Bundle, grow my email list by 4,200+ subscribers in 7 days!


Instagram: @marketingwithtish

Website: leticiajcollins.com


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Hey, I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build a sustainable & scalable business on your own terms… then grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨