“I learned early on in my business that you can't hide under a rock and expect your products, programs, or services to sell! The Audience Growth Club makes it easy to be more visible online, without wasting precious hours searching for high-quality bundle, summit, or podcast opportunities. (Tish delivers these opportunities right to your inbox!) She also provides helpful trainings, promotes collaboration within the group, and is generally an all-around great supporter of your business!
The Event Directory is the membership tool I use the most. There's huge value in NOT having to waste time searching for new podcasters looking for guests, summit organizers looking for speakers, and bundle hosts looking for participants. With The Event Directory, I’m able to quickly skim all the upcoming events and decide which ones would be aligned with my business and schedule. And when I don’t have time for that, I still get a complete wrap-up in Tish’s Weekly Roundup Email!
I also love the positive and supportive vibe in the Slack channel. Not only is Tish quick to respond to members' questions and comments, but the others in the group seem eager to support as well!”
— Nicole Kepic, Sales Copywriter & Author