57 | How I sell every day, without making my audience feel sold to




How I sell every day, without making my audience feel sold to

Are you wondering how to make more sales? How to sell every day, without annoying your audience? How to sell without being salesy? In this episode, I’m letting you in on my exact strategy for selling my offers every day and how you can do the same! You’ll learn the benefits of soft selling and how to sell authentically as an online business owner!


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The mindset shift you need to make to increase sales in your business

Think about the business owners you admire and purchase from. I can guarantee you that they will ALL have one thing in common: they show up consistently to talk about their offers and services!

No successful business owner has ever grown their business or gotten rich by creating their offers and then sitting by and waiting for someone to magically come and purchase them.

And yes, there are business owners out there who might put up an Instagram Story or send out an email about their latest offer and sell out in a matter of hours. But these types of business owners are the ones who have already built a name for themselves - and this doesn’t happen by accident. Although you’re seeing what appears to be minimal effort to sell out their services or enrol hundreds of students in their online course, what you’re not seeing is the countless months & years that they have spent building their audience, nurturing them, showing up to sell their offers and services and quite likely, being faced with a lot of rejections and failed launches. 

So while they may be able to show up now and make thousands of dollars from a single email, that comes from the years of work that they put into it before and the consistent, daily selling to get them to that point. You’re also not seeing all the other work that goes in behind the scenes, you don’t know whether they’re running ads, pitching people… you cannot make a judgement from the brief snippet that you see as a consumer.

While it would be lovely if we could all send out a single email and have floods of sales, that isn’t reality for the majority of business owners, both big and small. At the end of the day, what you need to keep in mind is that there is no way your audience can know how you can help them, unless you tell them. They’re not going to reach out to hire you or purchase from you unless you present them with the option to.

If you want to make sales consistently, you have to show up consistently and start asking for the sale.

When I show up to sell, I'm showing up for the woman who needs what I have to offer. I'm showing up to let her know what's possible for her. I'm showing up to let her know that I can help her and my offer is available to her... when she's ready!

When you sell from a place of service, you can never come off as too salesy... and those who don't like it are usually the people who want to do everything on freebies alone - and that's fine, but they're not your ideal client. And that’s okay because not every single person is going to be your ideal client!

Your job is to show up and serve those who are and let them know how you can help them. At the end of the day, they’ve chosen to follow you or opt into your email list and in doing so, they have knowingly subscribed to receive marketing communications from a business. They are going to expect you to sell. 

You are building a business, not a hobby. So don’t be afraid to use your platforms for what they were intended.

How to leverage soft sales techniques to sell every day

Typically, there are two different approaches to selling: hard selling and soft selling. Both are important and necessary to business, but they should be used in different ways and frequencies.

Hard selling: The hard sell is a more direct approach to sales. This is when you’re showing up with the sole purpose of talking about your offer and making sales.

Soft selling: Soft selling is a sales approach focused on subtle persuasion and casual language that creates a low-pressure sales experience for the prospect. This is how you can sell your offers every day without your audience feeling constantly sold to - a lot of the time they won't even realise you're selling!

If the only time you talk about your offer is when you're hard pitching your audience, then they are going to feel 'sold to'. Whilst it is important, there is such a thing as too much hard pitching and you don’t want to wear out your audience or make them feel like you only show up to sell. For this reason, hard pitching once or twice a week is enough.

The rest of the time, you should be providing your audience with value and softly selling your offer in order to remind them that your offer is available, share the benefits and the transformation they could experience in a subtle and value-driven way.


1. Mention your offer as your call-to-action or P.S.

Don’t underestimate the power of a simple P.S. at the end of your content, whether it be an Instagram post, email, blog post or something else. 

After delivering all the value in your main post, you can just add a brief sentence about an offer that relates to what you’ve been talking about. This allows you to direct your ideal client towards your offer, without making it the main point of your communication. They’ve received value in your main body, and then they’re simply being reminded of an offer that might help them further.

2. Share your behind the scenes

If you’re in the process of creating a new offer, share that with your audience! Give them sneak peeks at the branding, what’s included, create a poll for them to vote and help you decide on the name or logo… get them excited!

If you have an existing offer you can share a sneak peek at the curriculum or a resource that’s available inside and how your clients or students use that to help them reach their goals.

If you’re selling a service that you want to book more clients for, take them behind the scenes of what you’re doing with your existing clients! If you have a client call, snap a picture and share it on your Stories! If you’re working on some kind of asset that you’re going to deliver to your client, show your audience the process you take and what you’re delivering. You could take a timelapse while working on a client project and explain what you’re creating or doing for them. Take them through the onboarding process that you take your clients through… there are so many ways to share the behind-the-scenes!

Again, this isn’t actively pitching your offer - it’s giving them a glimpse into how you work and a behind the scenes look at your day-to-day life. People love to be nosey!

3. Client case studies and screenshots of client wins

One thing a lot of people forget to share - and I’m guilty of this too - is the results that they’re getting for their clients. If your client or a studnet shares a win with you, take a screenshot… upload it to your stories, and just share the feedback you’re getting and how you’re impacting your clients lives.

If you know that one of your clients or students has a great success story, turn it into a case study! Write an email about your client, where they were before, the steps you took to help them reach their goal, and where they are now!


These are just 3 of my favourite ways to soft sell my offers every day, and I highly recommend that if you’re not already doing these things, try them out! They may not result in instant sales, but they do plant the seed and keep your audience thinking about your offer so that when you do come to pitch it, they’re already extremely familiar with it and know how it could help them.


Instagram: @marketingwithtish

Website: leticiajcollins.com


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Hey, I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build a sustainable & scalable business on your own terms… then grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨



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