38 | Why Your Offer Isn't Selling & How to Fix it




Why Your Offer Isn’t Selling & How to Fix it

Have you got an offer or service that you expected to sell like hotcakes, only to be left feeling disappointed when only a small handful of sales trickled in? This is a common problem faced by many entrepreneurs, and in this episode I’m going to help you identify why your offer isn’t selling and exactly how to fix it!


  • The assumption you need to stop making about why your offer isn’t selling

  • The importance of validating your offer

  • How to communicate the value of your offer

  • How to actually get your ideal client to buy from you


If you’re reading this, you might have recently launched something and found that it just didn’t generate the buzz that you expected, you didn’t hit your launch goals and you’re wondering why...

Or perhaps you have an evergreen product that just seems to be sitting there and collecting dust on your website...

Or maybe you have a coaching or done-for-you service that you’re struggling to sign clients into…

If you can relate to any of these then keep reading because this blog post is going to explore 4 of the most common reasons you’re struggling to make sales, and what you can do to fix these issues.

Stop assuming you know why your offer isn’t selling - you’re probably wrong.

From conversations with my own private clients, I’ve noticed that when they find themselves struggling to sell their offer, they often assume it’s because of at least one of the following reasons:

1. They don’t have enough followers or subscribers. They think that if they grow their audience, it’ll be easier to sell.

2. They think that their audience just can’t afford it, and they start to wonder whether they should lower their prices.

3. They start to think that their audience just isn’t interested in their offer, that it’s not good enough, or even that they’re not good enough.

If you have ever made one of these three assumptions when you’ve been finding it difficult to sell your offer, I promise you that this is not true.

You need to stop assuming you know why your audience isn’t buying from you. It's not because you don't have enough Instagram followers or email subscribers. It's not because your audience can't afford it. And it's not because they're not interested in your offer.

It’s more likely that your audience isn’t buying from you because you haven’t presented your offer in a way that makes them actually want to purchase it.

So let’s talk about some of the more likely reasons your offer isn’t selling, and how to fix it.

Why your offer isn’t selling & how to fix it


This is a crucial step for any business, regardless of whether you’re just starting out, or if you’re a seasoned business owner. 

Validating your offer means that you’re essentially testing the market to see if there is a demand for your product or service, and the first step to that is conducting market research! Before you even think about starting to create your offer, you need to make sure that your audience are actually going to buy it. 

You can use Instagram Story polls to ask your followers, you can create a Google Form and send it to your email list, you can reach out to your ideal clients and even past clients and ask if they’d be willing to hop on a quick call with you for market research purposes. The point is, you’re making sure there’s a genuine need and that you’re not wasting your time creating something your audience don’t want - and the information you get from this will also help you so much when it comes to creating your sales copy and content.

Once you’ve got that market research, then it’s really time to test and see whether it will sell - yes, before you’ve even created it! 

Before I ever sit down to start creating a course or programme, I pre-sell it to my audience first. I’ll create a mini sales page or a Google Doc that outlines the offer and gives all the info, and then I’ll give them the opportunity to join the beta round at a discounted price.

For example, I did this with my first online course, which was called Sold Out Content (it’s now been rebranded and updated and is called Content That Sells). Before I ever created this course, all I had was a mini sales page about the offer I intended to create, I put up a few stories about it on Instagram, sent out an email and also reached out to a few of my past clients and invited them to join the beta round.

Oh, and I didn’t even have a name for it at that point, it was literally called ‘The Content Course’.

Anyone who joined the beta round of ‘The Content Course’ would get lifetime access for $97, which was half the price that it was going to be sold for once it was created and I made sure that people knew that so there was more of an incentive to join the beta round. And through that, I created the course with my beta students.

Through that launch, I had 20 people agree to join the beta round. That was more than enough proof of concept to tell me that this is what my audience wanted. And once I closed the cart to that initial beta round, I had 20 people who were essentially creating the course with me, giving me their feedback, telling me what they wanted to see, telling me what they found helpful and what might need updating. They were my second pair of eyes and it was invaluable because by the time it came for me to officially launch it, I already knew it was going to sell because I’d sold it before. I knew my students were going to find it valuable and get results because it was created with my students in mind and updated to incorporate their direct feedback, and then I also already had testimonials and social proof that I could use.

So if you are considering creating a new offer, I highly recommend that you first do a beta round for these reasons.



A lot of people tend to get caught up in all the features of their offer. They talk about how many calls there are and how many modules and how long the videos are and the fact that they’re going to get this bonus and this bonus and blah blah blah…

The reality is that people really don’t care.

Your ideal client is not buying your offer because of the number of calls or videos or anything like that. Your ideal client is buying your offer for the transformation it facilitates. 

Your ideal client wants to move away from point A (where they currently are) and they want to get to point B (where they want to be). They don’t really care about how they get there, just as long as they do get there.

It’s kind of like how airplane companies sell flights. They’re giving you the opportunity to go somewhere exotic, like the Maldives, and they’re selling you on that. They’re not telling you about the engines on the plane and how wide your seats are and all the kind of stuff, they’re giving you the basic information of what you need to know but the main marketing message is the destination, and that should be the same for your offers!

Your ideal client is signing up for the TRANSFORMATION they’re promised and the FEELING they're going to get at the end of your offer. So within your content, you need to make sure you’re communicating that transformation clearly!


You need to be talking about your offer consistently! I’ve said this so many times but it takes multiple touchpoints before your ideal client will even CONSIDER purchasing from you. 

Your audience isn't going to magically know how you can help them and reach out to hire you or purchase your course. If you want to sign consistent clients and bring in consistent income... you have to SHOW UP CONSISTENTLY and start asking for the sale!

I recorded an entire podcast episode about sales mindset and how to shift your mindset to start selling consistently so if you struggle to actually show up and talk about your offer on a regular basis, make sure to go back and listen to episode 8!


If the only time you talk about your offer is when you're hard pitching your audience, then they are going to feel 'sold to' and they are going to tune out because they’re going to feel like they’ve already heard it before… 

Hard pitching is when you show up and with the sole purpose of talking about your offer and letting your audience know how to sign up. Whilst this is important, there is such a thing as too much hard selling, and you don’t want to wear out your audience or make them feel like you only show up to sell. 

Hard selling once or twice a week is probably the sweet spot, but it does depend on you and your business. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t sell on the days that you’re not hard pitching your offer.

The rest of the time, you should be providing your audience with value and softly selling your offer in order to pique your audience’s interest. You can do this through educational content and mini trainings and then briefly mentioning your offer as the call-to-action. This way, your offer isn’t the sole focus but just a brief invitation to take action after they’ve received value from you.

Another way you can soft sell is through sharing client wins and case studies, or sharing the behind-the-scenes as you’re doing client work or about to hop on a coaching call or while you’re creating a course or product.

There are so many ways to soft sell your offer and they’re so simple that you can do it every day!

Need a second pair of eyes on your sales strategy?

If you’re currently struggling to sell your offer consider whether you’re guilty of any of these 4 things, and what you can do to change that. And if you feel like you need a second pair of eyes to help you identify that and create a strategy to consistently sell your offer, I’m currently taking private clients!

You can learn more about working with my 1:1 by going to leticiajcollins.com/voxer, or DM me on Instagram and we can have a pressure-free chat about whether my 1:1 mentorship is the right fit for you right now.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨