08 | The #1 Mindset Shift You Need To Make To Increase Sales in Your Online Business




Episode Show Notes

Sales are the lifeblood of your business - so why are you so afraid to show up and sell? If you’re an online coach, service provider or course creator, we’re going to talk about the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from bringing in consistent sales for your business and the simple mindset shift you need to make to make more money in your business.

In this episode, I’ll walk you through:

  • An exercise to identify whether you’re showing up to sell enough in your business right now

  • Why the worry of being too salesy has everything to do with you and nothing to do with your audience

  • The truth behind feeling ‘salesy’ and how to avoid it

  • How to show up and sell consistently so you can increase your income

Links & Resources Mentioned:

Episode Blog Post

Let’s kick things off with a little self-reflection. Grab your favourite journal and a pen and answer the following questions:

1. When was the last time you promoted your offer / service? Yesterday? Last week? Last month? Answer honestly.

2. When was the last time you promoted it before that? Think hard.

3. Have you ever held back from promoting your offer / service because you’re afraid of coming across as too ‘salesy’ or because you don’t want to annoy your audience?

If so, you need to hear this...

Worrying about being too salesy is a YOU thing... trust me

Don't believe me? Allow me to introduce exhibit A:


"I love how you are always promoting your services! It never feels salesy, but I'm always reminded that you're available!"

^^^ A real message I received from someone in my audience.

What can we learn from this? That your audience actually WANT you to sell. That’s why they’re following you… a BUSINESS!

The business owners you admire and purchase from ALL have one thing in common: They show up consistently to talk about their offers and services!

Meanwhile, you're sat there worrying that you're going to annoy your audience by posting one Instagram Story talking about your offer.

Here's the thing - your audience aren't going to magically know how you can help them and reach out to hire you / purchase your course (believe me, I've made that mistake!). 

If you want to sign consistent clients and bring in consistent income... you have to SHOW UP CONSISTENTLY and start asking for the sale!

When I show up to sell, I'm showing up for the woman who needs what I have to offer but might not be quite ready yet.

I'm showing up to let her know what's possible for her.

I'm showing up to let her know that my offer is available to her... when she's ready!

I'm not worrying about whether people will think I'm talking about my offer too much... because they're not my ideal client and quite frankly, their opinion is irrelevant to my business #SorryNotSorry.

When you sell from a place of service, you can never come off as too salesy... and those who don't like it are usually the people who want to do everything on freebies alone... and that's fine, but they're not your ideal client. And that’s okay because not every single person is going to be your ideal client!

Your job is to show up and serve those who are.


The truth behind feeling ‘salesy’.

I’ve got a hard truth for you to consider: If your audience are genuinely getting annoyed with how you’re selling, then you’re not selling in the right way!

I usually don’t like to say that there’s a right way and a wrong way to do business, but when it comes to selling, there are some methods that are simply outdated and disingenuous and I do not advocate for in the slightest.

Here are some examples:

  • Being sold to without first receiving any value

  • Being sold to when you’ve never expressed any interest 

  • Being sold to by someone you don’t know, like or trust *ahem* cold pitches *ahem*

  • Being shamed into making a purchasing decision

In these cases, you may annoy your audience or be perceived as too salesy because you’re using disingenuous sales tactics that most people don’t like.

This is where the fear behind being too salesy comes from.

And unfortunately, a lot of business owners are still using these tactics because that’s what they’re being taught by their coaches and mentors.

The first investment I ever made into my business came from a place of fear. I knew I needed to invest to grow my business so I ended up hiring one of the first coaches I came across - a big-name coach who taught old-school, pushy sales tactics that felt really icky when I tried to put them into practice, just like the ones I listed above.

The whole thing felt incredibly disingenuous to me, but I was new to the online coaching industry and I’d just spent thousands on a coach who did appear to be extremely successful, so I forced myself to do it rather than admit that I’d made a mistake - not researching enough about the person I was investing in... But that’s another story for another time. 

The good news is, that’s not the only way to sell - and although it took me a while to realise it, I’m grateful for that experience because it taught me about the type of mentor I don’t want to be and the way I don’t want to sell.

Now, I sell in a way that EMPOWERS my audience rather than scares them into purchasing. A way that comes from a place of service and integrity. 

I went from selling every now and then and worrying about annoying my audience by being too salesy, to talking about my offers EVERY DAY and have ideal clients hiring me BECAUSE of how I show up and HOW I SELL!

I regularly receive DMs from people thanking me for my content - yes, even the promotional content - because it inspires them and let’s them know what’s possible for them!

This can be possible for you too!

When you show up to sell and you come from a place of service, prioritise adding value to your audience and giving them the opportunity to work with you on a deeper level - you will find sales 10x easier.


My challenge to you today.

You created your platform with the intention of promoting your business... so my challenge to you today is to do just that!

Open up the Instagram app or your email software and create a piece of content letting your ideal client know how they can work with you TODAY! 

Remember that your audience needs to hear about your offer a MINIMUM of 8 - 12 times before they even CONSIDER purchasing…. So don’t be afraid to show up and sell your offers from a place of service and integrity!

P.S. If you need help crafting a sales + marketing strategy that feels good to YOU, I currently have spaces available for 1:1 Mentorship. Click here to learn more.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨