07 | How To Create a Content Strategy That Sells






Episode Show Notes

Making sales in your business doesn't have to be hard. In this episode, I’m breaking down the social media content strategy every online coach, service provider or course creator can use to increase their sales

In this episode, we talk about:

  • How to ensure you’re speaking DIRECTLY to your ideal client

  • How to plan your content to do the selling FOR YOU

  • How to promote your offer, without being salesy

Links & resources mentioned:

Episode Blog Post

So you’ve created your offer, put it on your website, sent out an Instagram post and maybe an email about it, and then you wait… you wait for the sales to start coming in because you know how amazing this offer is and you just know that your audience are going to see great results from it. 

A few days pass and you’re not seeing much traction… after a while, you start to wonder why you’re not making any sales. You start to think…

  • It’s because you don’t have enough followers. If you grow your audience then you’ll have more people to sell to and selling will be easier.

  • Or maybe it’s because your audience just can’t afford it. You think that maybe you should lower your prices so it’s more affordable for them.

  • And then you start to think, actually… my audience just aren’t interested in my offer or in me. Maybe I’m just a failure. Maybe I’m not cut out for this.

If any of this sound familiar to you, then this episode is for you!

But here’s the thing - you need to stop assuming you know why your audience isn’t buying from you.


It's not because you don't have enough Instagram followers or email subscribers. It's not because your audience can't afford it. And it's not because they're not interested in your offer.

It’s more likely that your audience isn’t buying from you because you haven’t presented your offer in a way that makes them actually want to purchase it.

Here's what you NEED to know: The content you create needs to resonate DIRECTLY with your ideal client.

You need to be able to accurately describe the struggles the person you're selling to is currently experiencing. You need to be able to accurately describe the transformation your ideal client craves… the place they want to be. The more accurately you're able to do this, the more they’re going to see you as the person who can facilitate that transformation for them.

So, how do we get into the head of our ideal client and make selling effortless? It all comes down to how you market your offer.

Creating content that speaks directly to your ideal client.

Grab yourself a notebook and pen and draw a table with three columns.

Label the first column pain points and below, write down all of the things your ideal client is currently struggling with.

Let’s use my membership, The Story Lounge as an example. There are a few struggles my ideal member will be facing, but I’m just going to focus on one right now to keep it simple. The problem my ideal client is struggling with is that they’re not making consistent sales in their business.

The second column should be labelled desires and in this column, you’re going to write down all of the goals and desires that your ideal client has… what are they striving towards? What is the transformation they want to experience?

For The Story Lounge, my ideal client wants to increase their leads and convert their followers into clients.

In the last column, you’re going to label it objections and you’ll use this column to write down any objections your ideal client may have. Do they have any mindset blocks? Is there something that you’ve noticed coming up a lot when you speak to your prospects?

My ideal client for The Story Lounge may think that they don’t get enough views on their stories to make sales there so they don’t put as much effort in there as they would on other content mediums.

So write down the pains, desires and objections of your ideal client and when you’re doing this, make sure to actually conduct market research to support your answers. Ask your ideal client rather than only putting what you think they’d say.

Although you’ll likely get a lot of them, there may be some you haven’t thought of or the way your ideal client phrases certain things could help you when it comes to your marketing.

Planning your content

Your content strategy exists to take your ideal client through the customer journey - from a cold lead to boiling hot and ready to buy. So if you’re strategic and intentional with your content, it will do the selling FOR YOU.

When you sit down to plan your content for the upcoming month or quarter or however you do your content planning, there are 3 questions to ask:

1. What does your ideal client need to know and believe BEFORE they're ready to purchase your offer?

With The Story Lounge, my ideal client needs to know what Instagram Stories can do for their business

2. What stories can you tell to let your ideal client know the transformation they desire is possible?

I do this by sharing the story of my initial reluctance to use Instagram Stories, the realisation I went through that led me to start incorporating them into my sales and marketing strategy, and the effect they’ve had on my business since then… and I really emphasise the transformation that I went through because that is exactly what my ideal client wants.

3. What objections might come up for your ideal client? How can you address and debunk them within your content?

Let’s use my ideal clients’ objection that they don’t get enough views. I will address this, and then I’ll prove that they can still make sales with low views through case studies of myself and other members.

When you’re planning, make sure you’re doing so with these questions in mind.


Promoting your offer consistently.

Now is the time where we come to talk about selling…

If you've followed the last steps, your audience will now be 'problem aware'. When they have this problem awareness, then you can start to make them 'product aware'. It’s time to introduce your offer as the solution to their problems and the vehicle that is going to get them from point A to point B.

Because you’ve put in the work to create content that speaks to where they’re currently at and make them aware of what’s possible for them, you’re going to have a warm, engaged audience who are already paying attention and know that you can help them reach their goals. 

But this is the step where I see a lot of business owners go wrong because they’ll often show up and talk about their offer here and they expect their ideal clients to see that and flood their DMs. When that doesn’t happen, they get disheartened and maybe they’ll mention it a few more times, but the frequency that they’re talking about it gets less and less.

Or after they’ve mentioned it the first couple of times, they assume that everyone in their audience knows about it now and they don’t want to continue to talk about it because they think they’ll annoy their audience… so, again, they talk about it less and less.

But here’s the thing: If you are not talking about your offer, your audience aren’t going to reach out.

Just talking about your offer once, or twice, or even ten times is nowhere near enough! If you want to make sales in your business, you have to talk about your offer consistently!

It takes multiple touchpoints (I think the industry standard is somewhere between 8 - 20 touchpoints, although I’d say it’s probably a lot more than that now) before your ideal client will even consider purchasing from you. 

You also have to consider that the people in your audience aren’t seeing every single thing you post so it’s going to take a lot more of you showing up and talking about your offer before your ideal client decides that they’re ready and reaches out. So don’t be afraid to keep talking about your offer.

Now if you’re thinking “but if I keep talking about my offer, aren’t I going to annoy my audience?” And the answer is no. 

For my previous point that your audience isn’t seeing every single thing you post…and also because you’re going to be diverse in the way you sell!

Being diverse in the way you sell.

Promoting your offer doesn’t necessarily have to look like directly talking about your offer and what it includes and how many spots you have left. In fact, that really shouldn’t be the only way you promote your offers!

There are so many other ways to sell, such as sharing the behind-the-scenes of your client work, or celebrating your client wins, or adding a call to action at the end of your post or mini training….

There is no one way to sell and if you’re doing little things like this, you can show up and sell every day without your audience even realising you’re doing so!


To recap.

To recap… make sure you’re intentional when you plan your content. Make sure you’re aware of your ideal clients problems, desires and objections, and then plan your content in a way that speaks to them and prepares them for your offer. And when it comes to selling, make sure you’re talking about your offer consistently so that your audience actually know how they can work with you.

Your action step for this episode is to go and conduct that market research. Use the questions I provided to plan next month’s content and make sure you’ve got plenty of opportunities to talk about your offer in there!

If you want my help to map out a sales and marketing plan that feels good to you and has your ideal client BEGGING to work with you, let’s make that a reality! I’m currently accepting private clients for 1:1 Voxer Mentorship, which is just like traditional mentorship, but it takes place on an app called Voxer where we’ll go back and forth with text and voice messages. It’s just like having a mentor in your back pocket for any time, anywhere guidance and support.

Click here to find out more and apply.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨