09 | How To Get Your Dream Clients To Come To YOU




Episode Show Notes

Do you dream of having your ideal clients come to YOU rather than having to seek them out yourself? Well, good news - with attraction marketing, this can be your new reality! In this episode, I’m breaking down 7 things you can focus on to attract your dream clients and increase your income.

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Episode Blog Post

Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your precious time promoting your offers and services to people who are just never going to buy? Do you watch other entrepreneurs selling out their programmes and wonder how the hell they’re doing it?! Do you wish to God that you had your ideal clients coming to you rather than the other way around?

If so, I have good news for you - with attraction marketing, that can become your new reality!

Simply put, attraction marketing is the way you market yourself to attract your ideal clients. By positioning yourself as the authority, differentiating yourself from your competitors and creating content that speaks directly to your ideal client, you’re able to attract your dream clients to you!

In this episode, I’m letting you in on 7 of my favourite ways to attract more clients that you can implement into your business and marketing strategy today! Get your notebook at the ready - it’s gonna get juicy 😉

1. Get clear - check in with your business.

If you’re having trouble attracting clients, it may be time to go back to the drawing board and take a look at your business model with a critical eye. Having complete brand clarity and being intentional with your marketing is an essential part of attracting clients. 

When you have brand clarity, you’re able to be intentional with your content marketing and create a strategy that wholly aligns with your bigger goals to ensure that you’re attracting the right audience - those that truly are your ideal clients or customers.

Unfortunately, this step is one that many business owners tend to skip due to its foundational nature. However, this isn’t something that you simply do once when you first start your business - it’s something you need to constantly revisit as you and your business grow.

The content you create needs to resonate DIRECTLY with your ideal client.

You need to be able to accurately describe the pain + struggle the person you're selling to is currently experiencing. The more accurately you're able to do this, the more they will see you as an authority figure and position you as the person who can help them solve their problems and get them to where they really want to be.

They say “a confused mind doesn’t buy”. This means that if your messaging isn’t clear and concise to your ideal client, you aren’t likely to make many sales. Take some time to get clear on the following aspects of your business:

  1. Who your business is serving (your ideal client)

  2. Your ideal clients' desires and goals

  3. Your ideal clients' current situation, including the internal and external pain points they’re experiencing

  4. How your offer helps them and the transformation it takes them through

If you aren’t clear on these things, your efforts will be wasted as you simply won’t be sharing the right message or reaching the right people.

Remember: Not everyone is your ideal client.

You need to make sure that the content you create is speaking to that ONE person who is right for your offer because that is the only way you’re going to attract them and make them resonate so deeply that they know you are the person for them.

2. Get visible.

Your visibility and online presence play a key part in the success of your business. Without visibility, you have no traffic. Without traffic, you have no clients. 

So how do you get visible online? Content marketing.

Your content strategy is arguably the most important aspect of your business. It’s the thing that allows new people to find you, allows you to nurture and connect with your current audience and allows you to promote your offerings and make sales. 

When you develop a solid content strategy, you’re creating a strategic funnel of content that will inspire the right people to find you and buy into your products, programmes and services - but only if you’re putting out the right messaging as we spoke about in my first point.

Think about your current content strategy and brainstorm any new strategies you could implement to expand your marketing. 

  • How can you put yourself in front of your dream clients? 

  • Which platforms are they hanging out on the most? 

Here are some great places to reach your ideal clients:

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn

  • Blogs, YouTube or Podcasts

  • Your email list

  • Pinterest

  • Paid ads

  • Utilising other people's audiences e.g. Facebook groups, guest blogging, podcast interviews

If you’re currently relying only upon Instagram to market your business, consider creating a blog or podcast to expand your marketing efforts and reach a new audience. 

Maintaining a consistent content system is crucial if you want to consistently attract new clients and customers. If you want to learn more about how to create a content strategy that converts, listen to this episode.


3. Establish your authority.

There are so many people in the online space now that the only way to set yourself apart is by publishing great content that generates results

After all, if you can’t generate results and quick wins for your ideal client within your free content, what incentive do they have to purchase your paid products?

Before your audience can be ready to purchase from you, they need to first see you as an expert within your industry and niche. In order to establish yourself as such, you need to show your audience that you know what you’re talking about and that you provide your clients and students with results.

A great way to do this is by hosting free mini trainings surrounding a niche-specific topic designed to give your ideal client a quick win - doing this builds authority and trust within your audience, which is imperative when it comes to the customer journey.

4. Cultivate genuine connections.

Fun fact for you: Emotion impacts purchasing decisions 80% more than logic does. 

This means that as consumers, we are more likely to purchase from those that we already know, like and trust - especially when it comes to high ticket offers.

In order to do this, you need to emphasise with your ideal client - show them that you identify with their current situation and the pain points they’re experiencing. Do your research and position yourself to speak directly to that pain within your content.

9 times out of 10, our ideal client is simply a past version of ourselves. Tap into that. Think back to when you were in your ideal clients' situation - remember the feelings and emotions you experienced, the desperation to achieve the transformation your ideal client so badly wants and the journey you went through to get there. 

Sharing your personal story with your ideal client is a great way to connect with them as they begin to see themselves within you. Your story will often inspire them and make them realise that their dreams are within closer reach than they may have thought as they learn about how you were in their position and how far you’ve come.

Tap into the emotions of your ideal client by creating content sharing your story, your why, your success and your failures!

Another great way to build a connection with your audience is by sharing your personality within your content. Your personal brand is everything in the online space! 

People connect with people - not brands. 

Sharing parts of your life is a great way to build trust and connect with your audience.


5. Nurture your audience.

One of the biggest mistakes we can make as online business owners is only showing up when it’s time to sell. This can give your audience a serious case of ‘The Ick’.

You need to be showing up even in your off periods to nurture your audience and continue to build that connection and trust. 

Whether it be through social media, your blog, or your email list - consistently show up and provide your audience with free, value-packed content. That way, they’re going to be ready and warm when you do eventually promote your offer.

The work you put in when you aren’t selling will make all the difference in your success. I promise you.

6. Show up & sell consistently

Your ideal client is not a mind reader. The only way they’re going to know about you and how you can help them is if you show up and actually tell them about your offers!

It can be easy to shy away from creating content promoting your offers, especially when you’re new to the online business world, but this is a non-negotiable if you want your business to succeed!

Your ideal client needs to hear about your offer a minimum of 8 - 12 times before they’ll even consider purchasing, which is why you need to be consistently talking about your offers. Not once a month. Not even once a week. You should be talking about your offer every single day - or at least a minimum of 3x per week.

If this sounds like a lot for you and like many new entrepreneurs you worry that you’re going to annoy your audience whenever you show up to promote your offer, remember this: You’re growing and gaining new followers every single day - someone who followed you yesterday isn’t going to know about the offer you were promoting last week. On top of that, your current followers aren’t consuming every single piece of content you create and many of them will have missed your promotional content or skimmed over it while they were in the middle of something else.

By not sharing your offers consistently, you’re actually doing your audience a disservice. You’re robbing them of the opportunity to work with you and solve their problems.

Show up and sell your offer every day! And if that sounds scary to you, let me remind you that selling can be as simple as:

  • Including a call-to-action at the end of your Instagram post / Story training

  • Sharing social proof from your clients

  • Sharing a freebie and entering them into a nurture & sales funnel

  • Sharing the BTS of your client work

I encourage you to try out one of those ways to sell your offer today!

7. Client experience.

Did you know that it’s SO much easier to sell to an existing client than to convert a new prospect? In fact, according to this study, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70%, whilst the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. 

What does this tell us? That garnering repeat customers is the best way to increase your profits and make sales in your business. 

Repeat clients are extremely valuable to your business, regardless of what stage you’re at. Cultivating a true ‘fan base’ of die-hard customers and loyal clients is the best way to become and remain profitable.

So how do you convince your clients to come back? The answer is simple: Provide an excellent client experience that makes them feel appreciated, valued and happy.

This doesn’t only apply to their experience working with you on an intimate 1:1 level - the same is true for any offer you provide within your business. Your clients should feel valued and supported whether they’re working with you 1:1, inside a group programme, self-paced course or even a low-ticket offer - keep the standards high!

These people have invested in YOU. They trust you with an important part of their life/business and their hard-earned money. The very least they deserve is an excellent client experience that leaves them feeling happy and satisfied.

Not only will this encourage your clients to come back to you again and again, but it also opens up opportunities for referrals.

When you provide an excellent client experience, your client is much more likely to talk about you to their connections and refer their friends your way. In a world filled with a lot of noise and paid advertisements, word-of-mouth referrals say a lot about you and your business and are one of the best ways to build trust in the online space.

So if you want to increase your profits and generate repeat clients, work on making your client experience the best it can be. Here are a few ways you can do so:

  • Set expectations and boundaries from the beginning of your relationship

  • Go above and beyond to exceed their expectations (equalling one very happy client)

  • Communicate with your clients regularly and respectfully

  • Ask for feedback both throughout the project and during your offboarding process

  • Create a referral programme as an incentive

  • Follow up and check in with them even after the project has ended

— — —

These 7 strategies to attract more clients into your online business is just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re looking for personalised support to grow your business on your own terms, I’m currently accepting Private Mentorship Clients.

This is for the woman who wants to grow her business without sacrificing her time and energy. By the end of our time together, you’ll have a marketing strategy that brings more time, freedom and profit to you and your business.

Find out more & apply here


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨


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