37 | Why & How Ashleigh Henry is Splitting Her Business into 4 Brands




Why & How Ashleigh Henry is Splitting Her Business into 4 Brands

Ashleigh Henry has been in marketing, sales, and leadership positions for the last decade. For Ashleigh, it was exhilarating to climb the corporate…until it wasn’t. So, she decided to bring all of her experience into the freelancing world until it became clear that she didn’t just want to pay the bills – she wanted to create a company that was foundationally built on cheetah print, legacy-minded marketing, and sexy sales structures that could stand the test of trend and time.

In this episode, Ashleigh is sharing why and how she made the decision to split her business into 4.

How Ashleigh founded The Cheetah Company.

Ashley Henry is the founder and CEO of The Cheetah Company; a modernised marketing and sales firm with a traditional and timeless twist. The Cheetah Company serves modern business women through marketing, sales, consulting, coaching and education all over the globe. They do this through memberships, online courses and consulting.

While working as a marketing strategist in a self-funded startup during the global pandemic, Ashleigh experienced a lot of tribulation and uncertainty. After an unfortunate event that lead to her having to let go of 70 members in one day, she realised that she could do this herself and start her own marketing agency. From there, The Cheetah Company was born.

Making the decision to split her business into separate brands.

Ashleigh decided to split her business so that The Cheetah Company would become the education hub, where folks can come and it can be very community-centric with retreats, courses, masterminds etc.

And then she’ll be developing CC Consulting, designed for those who are further along, and much, much more in the established brand phase versus a startup. This would allow The Cheetah Company to be that place where startups go, while established brands go to CC Consulting.

And finally, Ashleigh has a podcast coming out in late 2023 which will be an integration of both. There, she will talk about business, mindset and building a life that's really harmonised with your business.

As well as these 3 separate business entities, Ashleigh plans to lead her business with her personal brand at the focus so that her community can get to know her as the face of the business.

Ashleigh came to the decision to split her business into 4 different brands after feeling like she was in a box. She was struggling to keep the brand in one place and wanted to be able to speak to several segments and different types of marketers. But the split was truly based on data from the segments, and the community they’ve built.

How Ashleigh is preparing her team to make this shift.

Ashleigh had a deep vision about where she wanted herself and the company to go, which she shared with her team and then invited them into that conversation. She asked their opinions, whether they felt it would be aligned and whether it would be the right move in their opinion.

Ashleigh and her team reviewed the vision from top to bottom and have done so again and again to ensure that this really is the right move for them. They’re aware that it’s something that will take a long time to execute, but having the vision now, within the whole team gives them all a keen eye on what's to come, what they’re missing and how to prepare.

So Ashleigh has really ensured that her entire team are involved with this decision and that they truly are a team every step of the way.

Final advice from Ashleigh

If you’re in the startup phase of your business right now, or even the messy middle, don’t be scared to ideate and dream about what’s next. But when you know you have that dream, make sure you create a plan to act upon it and take that next step with confidence.



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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨