14 | How To Use Instagram Stories to Sell: The 5-Point Story Framework




Episode Show Notes

Instagram Stories have become so much more than just a place to share your personal life or what you had for breakfast this morning. Theyโ€™re an extremely important marketing tool that, unfortunately, many online businesses arenโ€™t leveraging to their full potential.

More than 80% of the income generated in my online business can be directly linked to Instagram Stories. Over the past 2 years, I've been able to sign my dream clients and sell out multiple launches with ease - all due my Instagram Story sales strategy!

As a Marketing Mentor, my mission is to help entrepreneurs just like YOU do the same! That's why I created The 5-Point Story Framework.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Why IG Stories should be a top priority in your business

  • The buyer journey & how to ensure youโ€™re speaking to every stage within your content

  • Breaking down my signature 5-Point Story Framework to help you increase your Influence, Impact & INCOME using IG Stories

Links & Resources Mentioned:



How To Use IG Stories to Sell


๐Ÿ“ฑ 500 million people watch IG Stories every single day

๐Ÿ“ฑ 25% of millennials say they're influenced by IG Stories when considering purchasing products & services

๐Ÿ“ฑ Most Instagram users are now spending most of their time watching & engaging with Instagram Stories over feed posts

Not having an effective Instagram Story strategy means that you could be leaving a lot of money on the table!

Today, Iโ€™m going to be walking you through exactly how you can use Instagram Stories to make more sales in your online business! By the end of this episode, youโ€™ll know exactly how to create a sales funnel through Instagram stories that takes your ideal client through the customer journey and to the point of conversion. 

The importance of strategy.

When it comes to Instagram Stories, you have to have a strategy in place if you expect to make consistent sales. Just like any other form of content, the way you post it to your Instagram stories should be strategic and purposeful. 

Over the years, I have tested a lot of different methods on Instagram stories, and I have documented the entire process, paying close attention to what worked and what didn't work so well. Through the years of trial and error, I have put together a framework based on what has worked not only for me, but also for the hundreds of clients and students that I have taught it to. 

If you are ready to increase your influence, impact and INCOME through Instagram Stories then you are going to want to pay close attention as I break down this framework.

The 5-Point Story Framework.

The 5-Point Story Framework is made up of 5 key pillars:

  • Authority

  • Connection

  • Engagement

  • Lead generation

  • Sales

So you can see how these 5 pillars are basically the customer journey.

Before someone can become a client or customer, they first need to become aware of you, so you have to show up and be visible. Once theyโ€™re aware of you, they then need to develop an interest in you, which is where authority and connection comes in. After that, theyโ€™ll usually need to make some kind of micro-conversion where they basically raise their hand to say that theyโ€™re interested by opting in for a free resource or even a low-ticket offer and identify themselves as a lead. And finally, they can then make that decision to become a client.

Every client or customer within your business will go through this cycle, so itโ€™s important that youโ€™re hitting these pillars within your Instagram Stories. Every piece of content you create should fall under one of these pillars. 

Thereโ€™s no particular order to this framework. You don't have to follow it in a linear way. And in fact, each pillar is just as important as the other. When you take one out, the system won't work effectively, so it's important that youโ€™re consistently cycling through each of them. 

For example, you could upload a story today promoting your latest offer. But if you haven't done the work to establish your authority or create a connection with your audience, then they don't have that awareness or interest in you and your Story is just going to fall on deaf ears.

And same for the other way around - if you post a story that builds your authority, but you have neglected to talk about your offer, then you're serving your audience with some great valuable content. And sure, they're going to be aware and interested in you. But they're not going to know how to work with you and they're not going to convert because that's not an option that you've told them about. 


1. Building Authority.

Before your audience can be ready to purchase from you, they need to first see you as an AUTHORITY. And in order to establish yourself as such, you need to show your audience that you are an expert within your industry, and that you provide your clients and students with results. 

One way that works great for this is by recording mini trainings designed to give your ideal client a quick win and an insight into what it would be like to work with you. It shows that you really know what youโ€™re talking about and that they wonโ€™t be wasting their money if they invest with you, which really is one of the biggest objections.

Another way that works great to build your authority and credibility is sharing client wins and case studies - again, showing that you actually deliver results. 

2. Creating Connection.

The second pillar is connection, and a great way to connect with your audience is simply by showing up and letting your audience get to know YOU - the person behind the business. 

By sharing your personality and snippets of your personal life, you'll be able to create a personal connection with your audience as they start to see you as a real human being, not just the business. 

3. Increasing Engagement.

And then we have pillar #3, which is engagement. These are the types of stories that are going to grow your audience, your views and encourage interactions between you and your audience members. They hook your audience and make them want to tune into your stories whenever they see that purple ring around your profile pic. 

So this is creating content like fun quizzes, engaging polls, mentioning or collaborating with other business owners creating stories that encourage your audience to reply and interact with you.

4. Lead Generation.

Next up is lead generation, and these types of stories work to expose and identify your warmer leads - those who are more likely to purchase from you at this point. 

These stories are going to encourage your followers to take action, whether that be opting in for a freebie so they're on your email list, submitting an application to your programme or expressing interest in your DMs 

My personal favourite type of lead gen stories is promoting my free lead magnet as this works to grow my email list, which then takes my lead through a strategic funnel, designed to convert them into one of my paid offers, is honestly one of the easiest ways to capture new leads and make that conversion.

5. Increasing Sales.

And the final pillar of the 5-Point Story Framework is, of course, sales. 

As business owners, we rely on sales. However, this actually tends to be the hardest type of content for business owners to create. 

We can spend hours creating content that educates our audience and sharing pieces of our personal lives, but completely freeze up and neglect the promotional aspect of content creation, which is why a lot of online businesses fail. Theyโ€™re not getting the sales they need to continue because theyโ€™re not asking for those sales.

There is no use in spending your time creating content if your audience doesn't even know how they can work with you. It completely negates the point of creating that content in the first place. 

Sales are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, you simply wouldn't have a business. So, if you are serious about building and scaling a successful business, but you have this fear around selling, you really need to get over that because if youโ€™re not selling, your business isnโ€™t going to go anywhere

There are a lot of limiting beliefs and fears behind selling, and I actually dove deep into this topic in Episode 8: The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Make to Increase Sales in Your Online Business so if selling is something you struggle with, make sure to go and give that episode a listen!


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If youโ€™re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! Iโ€™m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If youโ€™re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desireโ€ฆ grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while โ˜•๏ธ โœจ


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