15 | 5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Instagram Story Views




Episode Show Notes

Sick of feeling like you’re talking to crickets whenever you post to your IG Stories? In this episode, you’ll learn how to organically increase your Instagram Story views and engagement to get more eyeballs on your content.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • What to focus on if you have ‘low’ Instagram Story views

  • How to organically increase your Instagram Story views & generate more engagement

  • Why relationship building should be your top priority & how to utilise DMs to create connection

Links & Resources Mentioned:



How To Increase Your Instagram Story Views

Before we get into the juicy 'how to', I've got to be honest with you, because one of the biggest lies in the online space is that “you need a big audience to make big money” …and that's simply not true!

Over the past 2 years, I've worked with my dream clients and enrolled hundreds of women into digital products and online courses, all whilst working with a small audience.

When it comes to business, I always want to be completely transparent, so let's take a look at the numbers: I have about 4,000 Instagram followers… but we all know that with the way Instagram works, only a small percentage of those followers are actually seeing my content.

So of those 4,000 followers, I have around 200-300 people watching my Instagram Stories on a regular basis. Now, that might seem like a small number, yet roughly 80% of the income generated in my business can be directly linked to my Instagram Stories. 

This is not a coincidence or a fluke. It all comes down to strategy.

Of course, I'd love to have a bigger audience… I mean, who wouldn't?! But something I’ve come to realise is that successful business owners don’t sit around complaining about what they CAN'T CONTROL. They focus on what they CAN control!

If there’s one thing you take away from this episode today, I want it to be this:

You cannot control the algorithm… but you CAN control how you choose to show up for the people who are already there. 

I can’t count the number of conversations I’ve had with business owners who have 30, 50, even 100 people watching their Stories and they tell me that they don’t see the point in showing up because there’s no one there… and this is the worst mentality you can have, because how can you expect anyone to show up and watch if you’re not giving them a reason to come?

Even when I had less than 50 Story viewers,  I still showed up, I still served, and I still sold... even when I didn't think anyone was listening (spoiler alert - they were)! As I continued to show up, my audience grew. They came because I was already there creating the content. I didn’t wait for them to come before I showed up, because they never would have come.

I have always said that Instagram Stories are one of the best ways to connect and convert your audience. The people who are watching and engaging with your stories are the ones who are the most engaged with you and your brand. 

Whether you have 30, 50 or 100 people viewing your Instagram Stories, your audience is NOT too small to monetise. When you use Instagram Stories strategically, selling becomes easier than ever!

With that being said, there are ways that you can organically increase your Instagram Story views and reach more of your audience, and that’s what we’re going to explore for the rest of this episode.


1. Show up daily.

When it comes to growing your audience on Instagram Stories, the first thing you’ll want to do is make them a priority within your content creation process. Show up and create content for your Stories daily - and the great thing about Instagram Stories is that they’re designed to be short-form and really off the cuff, so creating daily content for your Stories daily doesn’t have to be hard.

When you show up on your Stories daily, you are able to stay top of mind for your audience and become a part of their daily routine. When you do this, you also activate something called the Mere Exposure Effect, which I’ll be speaking about in depth in an upcoming episode, but it essentially means that the more someone sees you, the more familiar they become with you and the more they begin to like and pay attention to you.

It’s kind of like when you hear a song on the radio and at first, it’s just background music… but then you begin to hear it more and more and you start listening to the words and you find yourself singing along and you add it to your library and you keep going back to listen… the same happens when you show up consistently for your audience. They begin to know, like and trust you and they are going to pay attention to you.

Now, the thought of showing up daily might seem overwhelming, but your Story content can be as simple as sharing a quick thought of the day, or transforming one of your feed posts into a mini training, or sharing the behind-the-scenes of your work.

FREE DOWNLOAD: 25 High-Performing Instagram Story Ideas.

2. Utilise the interactive stickers.

The second thing you can do to increase your story views is to utilise the interactive features that Instagram provides. Using the poll and quiz stickers is a great way to boost your Story views and train your audience to interact with your content. As more people engage with your Stories, Instagram will push them out further and you'll notice a significantly higher number of views.

One way I love to take advantage of these features is by playing fun games with my audience, and one of my personal favourites is True or False. Whenever I play this game I see a significant rise in my Story viewers that day, sometimes it can even double, and my clients and students who have tried this method out as well have said the same.

This is a really fun way to engage your audience and also boost your authority at the same time. And when you have that increased number of Story views because of the game, you then have the perfect opportunity to promote your lead magnet or even your paid offer!

So go and try this out with your audience, I guarantee you will see an increase in your Story viewers, and once you’ve done it, send me a message on Instagram to let me know what results you saw!

3. Move conversations to the DMs

Instagram DMs are such a powerful tool to get to know the individual members within your audience and Instagram Stories makes it easier than ever to do so! When your audience interact with your Stories by voting on your polls or responding to a question sticker, you have the opportunity to continue with that conversation in the DMs and I would really encourage you to take advantage of that.

Starting conversations with your ideal clients is a way of relationship building. When they’re talking to you and they feel they have a connection with you, they’re naturally going to pay more attention to you and they’re going to look out for your Stories. 

And the more you do this, the more Instagram will notice that they seem to be interested in you and they’ll push your Stories to the front of their queue, meaning that you are going to be one of the first people they see.

And you don’t have to wait for your audience to interact with your Stories either, you can interact with theirs. Replying to their Stories and just starting genuine conversations is one of the best ways to build relationships

Just remember that you are going in there to start a genuine conversation, not with the intention to sell them on something. That opportunity may arise later, but for now you’re creating a connection with this person.

4. Serve your audience with valuable content.

This should already be a priority within your content strategy and it needs to continue within your Stories. Just because they’re more short-form and more raw than other forms of content, that doesn’t mean you should let the value slip.

As I mentioned before, those who are watching your stories are going to be your warmest leads, so you really need to be prioritising them. Share educational content and inspiring stories that your ideal client will find valuable in order to keep them coming back for more. Make sure that there's a purpose to your Stories and that your audience are getting something out of watching them, otherwise why would they bother?!

Again, if you need some ideas then you can download 25 Instagram Story prompts for FREE.

5. Join The Story Lounge Membership.

And my final tip for you is to join The Story Lounge. This is a 6-month implementation incubator designed to increase your Influence, Impact and INCOME through Instagram Stories. 

Within this membership, you have a 6-month marketing plan filled with Done-For-You Story sequences and educational resources delivered every month so that you never have to worry about what to post on your Stories to connect with and convert your audience again.

And, if you’re listening to this episode in real-time - so November of 2022, we are having a big Black Friday sale and you can get LIFETIME ACCESS to The Story Lounge for $147, saving up to $75 on what it normally is.

Click here to learn more about The Story Lounge.


if there’s one thing I want you to take away from this episode, it’s to remember that you don’t need a huge audience to sell your offers. Remember that every single view. Every single like. Every single follow…. They all come from real people! So don’t treat them like numbers on a screen, show up as if you were actually in the same room as these people and I promise you, you will see the results!


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨


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