16 | 3 MYTHS You Need to Stop Believing About Selling




Episode Show Notes

In this episode, I’m tackling 3 of the biggest MYTHS about selling I see circulating the online space and breaking down exactly why they're not true...

If you struggle to show up and talk about your offers and services consistently, then this episode is for you!

In this episode, we talk about:

  • How to sell to a “small audience”

  • What to do if you see a dip in your IG Story views while selling

  • How to sell every day, without annoying your audience

Links & Resources Mentioned:



3 MYTHS You Need To Stop Believing About Selling

"I need a bigger audience if I want to make big money”

"My IG Story views dip whenever I sell. I must be doing something wrong!”

"I can’t sell every day because I’ll just annoy my audience”

Have you ever found yourself thinking any of these? Yep, I think we’ve allllll been guilty and some point. These thoughts often come up because it’s so EASY to justify why something isn’t working if we have a whole arsenal of excuses up our sleeves to fall back on.

But in today’s episode of the HER Purpose podcast, I’m putting an end to these excuses once and for all. Because I want you to be able to show up and sell consistently. I want you to sign your dream clients and sell out your offers. I want you to build the business you’ve been dreaming about. And you can’t do that unless you dispel these limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from selling.

And I’m not JUST going to debunk each myth, I’m diving into REAL strategies to help you improve your sales strategy because I actually want you to take ACTION!

If you struggle to show up and talk about your offers and services consistently, then this episode is for you!

Myth #1: You can’t sell with a small audience.

Now, let me tell you something: I have signed dream clients on 4-figure packages and sold out multiple launches with less than 1,000 people on my email list and less than 300 Instagram Story views.

I’ve mentioned this on the podcast before, but 80% of my income in my business can be directly linked to my Instagram Story strategy… and I typically receive less than 300 Story views…

It's not about the number of people you have viewing your content, it's about THE WAY you show up for them! If you’re showing up and consistently providing your audience with valuable content, those people are going to stick around and more are going to come because you’re already there providing that value.

I spoke about this in Episode 15, How to Increase Your Instagram Story Views, so if you want to learn more about that then make sure to go and read/listen!

Myth #2: If you see a dip in your IG Story views while selling, you’re doing something wrong.

I cannot stress enough that a dip in your Story views whilst you're selling is completely normal… and it happens to even the biggest names in the online space.

The worst thing you could possibly do when you see a dip in your Story views is to stop selling. You need to show up for those who are STILL WATCHING because THEY are your ideal clients!

Now, one thing I will say is that if you are showing up with the same thing every time you sell, then that may be one reason your views are dipping. For example, if you have pre-made slides to promote your offer and you’re just continuously posting that then that’s going to get boring for your audience because they’re just seeing the same thing over and over again.

When you do sell, make sure you’re diverse in the way that you’re selling. So you might have those pre-made slides one day, then the next day you’re showing up face-to-cam to talk about your offer, then you share some behind-the-scenes, then you’re giving a client case study… This way, you’re able to talk about your offer consistently but you’re taking a different approach each time and you’re not going to bore your audience because you’re doing it in a way they haven’t seen before.

But regardless of how you sell, a dip in Story views as a whole is to be expected because not every single person in your audience is going to be at the same stage in the buyer journey, and a lot of them simply just won’t be your ideal client and that is okay! Your job as a coach or service provider is to show up and serve those who need what you have to offer. They are your only concern.

Myth #3: Selling every day will annoy your audience.

This is one misconception that really irritates me because it honestly could not be further from the truth, yet it’s a myth that so many business owners believe and it holds them back so much.

The best way to make sales is by talking about your offer every single day and the easiest, most authentic way to do this is through soft selling.

If you’re not familiar with what soft selling is, it’s essentially a sales approach focused on subtle persuasion and casual language that creates a low-pressure sales experience for the prospect - hence, you can sell your offers every day WITHOUT annoying your audience... a lot of the time they won't even realise you're selling!

Soft selling can be as simple as…

  • Adding a CTA promoting your offer at the end of your caption or email

  • Sharing your behind-the-scenes as you work with your clients 

  • Sharing the process as you create a new offer

  • Celebrating your clients with screenshots of social proof and client case studies

  • ️Recording a mini training for Instagram Stories and promoting your offer at the end

There are so many ways that you can sell, without necessarily selling, so selling every day will NOT annoy your audience if you are going about it the right way. 

Let’s reframe…

  1. You absolutely CAN sell to a small audience, & the more you show up to serve your existing audience, the more your audience will grow.\

  2. If you see a dip in your Story views, it’s completely normal! Just focus on those who remain because they are going to be your warmest leads.

  3. Selling every day will NOT annoy your audience. You just have to learn to be diverse in the way you sell.

If you have found this episode helpful, please send me a DM on Instagram @marketingwithtish and let me know what your biggest takeaway has been. I absolutely love to hear from you guys so don't be shy, send me a message! I would love to hear from you!!!



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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨


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