13 | The Evolution of Business Coaching




Episode Show Notes

The coaching industry is changing. So why are coaching & mentorship packages staying the same? In this episode, we’re discussing why traditional mentorship packages don’t work for everyone and I’m introducing you to an alternative form of business & marketing mentorship that prioritises freedom & flexibility.

Links & Resources Mentioned:



The Evolution of Business Coaching

I’ve been in the online space for a few years now and ever since I came in, there is one thing I’ve noticed about coaching and mentorship packages. For the most part, they’re all structured pretty much the same - and they haven’t really evolved from that structure over the years. And what I mean when I say that they’re structured the same, or similarly, is that the majority of them really offer the same thing:

You get access to the coach or mentor for a set number of weeks, usually a 3 or 6 month package. Then you have a set number of calls, usually weekly or biweekly, where you show up to that call and use that time to talk to and strategise with your coach or mentor. And sometimes, you might get text or email access to the coach or mentor between calls.

Not all coaching or mentorship packages are structured this way, but the majority of them are because this is the industry standard. It’s what’s accepted. It’s what we’re taught.

Because of this, as consumers, we see that this structure is so commonly used and so we assume that it’s the best way to be coached or mentored and we assume that this is how we’re going to see the best results. We don’t think about any other ways that might serve us better because this is just the norm.

But here’s the thing: This style of mentorship does not work for everyone. 

A lot of people will receive this type of mentorship, and because they’re so used it, they don’t realise that there are other options and other mentorship styles that may serve them better.

And I’m not saying that this type of mentorship doesn’t work, because it absolutely does! But depending on your personality, the way you learn, your lifestyle, the support you need etc. there may be a better way for YOU that you haven’t yet considered.

The evolution of business mentorship.

Let me take you back to 2020, when I was running my mentorship packages just like we spoke about above.  I would work with my clients for 3 months and we would have biweekly calls using the time between for implementation. My clients would also have access to me through Voxer, a text and voice messaging app - Think Whatsapp but specifically for business. So between call times, my clients could reach out for support if they needed it. 

What I began to notice was that my clients were getting the most transformation from the support they received between calls.

One day, I had a prospect reach out and she said: “I really want to work with you, but I just don’t have the time to commit to the calls” and I thought… “okay, I want to work with this woman. She’s doing amazing things and I would love to support her on that journey.”

So I got back to her and I said “okay, how about we scrap the calls and you can have access to me via Voxer?” She absolutely loved the idea, she signed up right away and so my first experiment with Voxer-only mentorship began.

Through this mentorship style, I wanted to ensure that my clients received 3 things from me…


I wanted them to receive complete clarity over their business and marketing strategy so that they can achieve the breakthroughs they need to make massive shifts in their business.


I needed to be someone that my clients could bounce ideas off, get a second pair of eyes on their business and, of course, their marketing materials. And this support needed to be available as and when they needed.

I wanted them to be able to have the conversations they needed to have when they needed to have them - I didn’t want them to have to wait 2 weeks until their next call.

I feel like restricting access to a 60-minute call every 2 weeks just doesn’t allow for the amount of support needed. When you’re building a business, you can have something pop into your head while you’re eating dinner one day, or literally doing anything, and when you have that thought… you want to share that with your mentor right away! 

If you have to wait for another 5 days until you get to speak with them on that call, you might have forgotten that idea or gotten distracted by something else. Instead, I wanted my clients to be able to whip out their phone and send me a text or voice note and receive my support there and then. I didn’t want them to have to wait.


And the third thing I wanted to do was to make sure that my clients received the accountability they needed to take action.

And I actually found that through Voxer mentorship, I was able to provide the accountability they needed on an even greater scale. I help my clients set intentional goals and create a clear, feasible implementation plan. Then, I make it a priority to consistently check in and ensure they’re making the progress they need to reach those goals. 

I’m there to celebrate their wins, and identify areas for improvement, and it all goes back full circle where I provide them with the clarity and support they need to reach those goals.


No two businesses are the same…

Now, here’s the thing: No two businesses are the same. Which is why I’m not here to feed you some BS blueprint to success. Because… here’s a spoiler for you… there is NO one-size-fits-all strategy!

Instead, I make it a priority to walk alongside my clients as they build their business and… 

  • I help them get clear on their direction, reframe their mindset and identify their long-term vision.

  • I work with them to build a sustainable marketing strategy that fits with their life and ultimately feels good to THEM and how THEY want to run their business.

And the thing I love most about this style of mentorship is that you have the flexibility to listen & respond at your convenience. When the unexpected happens, you don’t have to worry about cancelling your call and encountering your mentors cancellation fees or losing that call altogether - with Voxer Mentorship, support is always there as and when you need it.

I find that a lot of my clients live a busy lifestyle, and because I’ve created such a flexible service, it really fits with their needs in a way that traditional mentorship just doesn’t.

So if YOU live a busy lifestyle and struggle to commit to scheduled calls, or if you just like the idea of having a mentor in your back pocket you can access whenever you need then Private Voxer Mentorship will be the perfect fit for you

And another thing I’m passionate about is not trapping people into long-term containers. So if you want just a week of support, you can have that. If you want a month of support, you can have that. If you want to book 3 or 6 months then you have the ability to do that as well!

I know that everyone is at a different stage in their business and some may just have a few quick questions or want to get clarity on one specific topic and some people may need the mentorship and accountability for the long term.

I want you to be able to book what you feel they need in that moment, and I actually have a lot of women book in for a week and they receive so much support and clarity from that week that they then go in to secure 3 months of mentorship because they realise they want that for the longer term.

This is more than just mentorship…

And the most important thing to me when I’m mentoring my clients is that I want to be so much more than just their mentor…

When you work with me, I’ll also be your friend. Your accountability partner. Your shoulder to cry on. Your biz bestie. Someone to bounce your ideas off. Your cheerleader. Your support system.

You no longer have to do it alone. I’m here to provide you with all the support and accountability you need to finally take consistent action and reach those big goals.

And no… I’ve already said it before but I’ll say it again… I’m not here to teach you another cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all blueprint or tell you how to run your business based only on what I’ve personally seen success from. You are unique and so is your business. I’m here to help you build your business in a way that best suits you, your lifestyle and the goals you want to achieve. So we’ll work together to create a custom success plan to help you get there.

If this type of mentorship appeals to you, and you want to learn more, you can find all the information you need here. And if you have questions, feel free to send me a message on Instagram.

xo, Tish


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨


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