42 | 3 Things You Can Do to Increase Your Sales Using IG Stories




3 Ways to Increase Your Sales Using Instagram Stories

You're potentially missing out on a tonne of sales because of this simple reason... You're not taking advantage of Instagram Stories to nurture your audience, build connections, increase your authority and sell your offers.

Instagram Stories have proven to be such an effective tool for business owners to use that allows them to reach and engage with their audience in a genuine and effective way.

I have recorded a tonne of episodes on Instagram Stories, but the reason I love them so much is because Instagram Stories are where your warmest leads are hanging out. The people who watch your Instagram Stories are going to be the members of your audience who are most engaged with you & your message. These are the people who are most likely to buy from you, so you NEED to be taking advantage of this, or else that's a lot of cash you're missing out on.

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing three effective ways that you can use Instagram Stories to drive more sales and grow your business.


3 ways you can use Instagram Stories to make more sales in your business


Instagram Stories are the perfect place to showcase your personality and build your personal brand. As consumers, we are much more likely to purchase from people we feel like we know, and your audience is no different. So I really want to encourage you to use your Stories to give your audience an inside look into your personality and your life.

This can be as simple as just sharing your behind-the-scenes as you work each day. It can be hopping on to share a quick thought or a story of something that happened to you recently. There are so many ways that you can do this!

Remember, we buy from people we feel like we know, like and trust. If you’re showing your personality and letting your audience get to know you, you’re going to build that know, like and trust so much quicker and so when they’re ready to purchase or hire, they’re going to immediately think of you because they already feel that connection.

Although it might not feel like this is going to directly lead to sales, I promise you, it makes all the difference! So really prioritise building your personal brand.


In order to buy from you, your audience first needs to know that you can get them results. Sharing mini trainings designed to give them a quick win is the perfect way to build this authority & credibility.

Think about it, would you ever purchase a product or service without being sure that it’s actually going to work and actually going to get you results? Especially in the online space where you’re competing with so many other business owners offering the same thing as you do, people are going to gravitate to those who they have already seen results from, even if it’s just a little quick win. This is what builds trust!

If you are constantly telling your audience they need your offer, but not showing them why they need that offer, then it’s going to be so much harder for you to make sales.

Mini trainings can be done in so many different formats. You can show up face-to-cam with a quick 1-2 minute training on something you know your audience will find value from, or you can create a series of static slides walking them through something that’s going to get them results. 

And if you’re wondering how to even find ideas for your mini trainings, you don’t have to look any further than your Instagram posts! You can take an Instagram post, and the next day, turn that into a mini training for your Stories.

I spoke about this in depth back in episode 30, but your audience need to hear things multiple times and in multiple different ways for things to sink in. Not every single person in your audience will have seen that Instagram post, but they might be watching your Stories. There are people in your audience who might not learn well through text, but if they see you actually talking them through it in your stories, they’re able to grasp it better and actually take it on board. 

Don’t be afraid to repurpose your content to different formats, and remember that repetition is important!

And it doesn’t just have to be educational ‘how to’ content that you’re sharing as a mini training. You could share a motivational story, a client case study, an exercise that you walk your clients through… it just needs to be something that is going to benefit your audience in some way and establish you as an authority in your field.



Like I said before, Instagram Stories are where your WARMEST leads are hanging out. Don't miss this opportunity to sell to them. And in my opinion, Instagram Stories are the EASIEST and most NATURAL way to talk about your offer. By utilising soft selling tactics, you can sell to your audience every single day, without them even realising you're selling, and without you even feeling like you’re selling as well!

Here are some examples of soft selling:

💸 Share the BTS of your client work

💸 Briefly mention your offer at the end of your mini training

💸 Share client wins & social proof

💸 Share yours & your clients success stories

There are so many ways to soft sell your offer without feeling like you're constantly selling to your audience! 

But don't forget to show up at least 1-2 times a week to talk DIRECTLY about your offer. Your audience still need to be told directly when to take action to help them make that next step, but by soft selling throughout the week you're able to consistently plant that seed so that they're ready to take action when you do show up to pitch your offer


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨