67 | Taking a human-first & inclusive approach to marketing with Kristen Kubik




Taking a human-first & inclusive approach to marketing


There is a definite disconnect between the way we’re taught to market & sell, and the way that most people want to do business themselves, or want to be marketed and sold to themselves. 

For a very long time, many businesses have used their marketing as a way to manipulate the consumer and convince them that they NEED their product or service. It’s done in a very negative way, but it doesn’t always necessarily come across as manipulative and negative because of the way that it’s executed.

We’ve seen this through advertisements from beauty brands and clothing brands within magazines and on TV etc. But bringing this back to the online space, we also see these manipulative tactics being used and taught every single day.

Manipulative marketing may look like…

  • The manipulation of pain points

  • Using fake scarcity tactics to make people buy now

  • Handling money objections by telling your clients it’s okay to go into debt because they’ll earn it back

There’s so much of this in the online space, but it has been normalised to the point where we don’t always notice it, or we just think that that’s the way to market… so it’s easy to see why so many business owners follow suit in their own marketing. 

But the truth is that you can 100% run a successful business without using these manipulative and unethical marketing tactics. And thankfully, now that people are starting to talk about this more, consumers are becoming more aware of how they’re being marketed to and they are being drawn to brands who align with their values and are more ethical in their approach to marketing. They’re connecting more with brands who take an uplifting, transparent and ethical approach and I love that this change is starting to happen!

The ethics you employ within your business become the heart of your brand and determine how your clients perceive you. Building an ethical business won’t happen overnight… there’s so much to learn and all of us are learning day after day.

To bring more attention to this topic, I’ve invited Kristen Kubik onto the podcast. Kristen is a Marketing Consultant and Entrepreneur from Maryland in the US. They are not your typical stuffy, corporate marketing expert though. They have vibrant hair, loads of tattoos and an unconventional message to share.

As the Founder and CEO of Business Unfiltered LLC, Kristen teaches human-first marketing and empowers business owners to become an ethical, inclusive and a society-shifting brand.

In this podcast episode, we are going to have a conversation about what it means to run an ethical business, how to identify areas you could improve in your own business and how to make a conscious and consistent effort to be an ethical and inclusive business owner.  

In this episode, Kristen and I discuss:

  • What it means to be a human-first marketer

  • Why focusing on pain points can be manipulative, and what to do instead

  • How to make a conscious effort to be ethical & inclusive within your marketing



Instagram: @kristenunfiltered

Website: kristenunfiltered.com


Instagram: @marketingwithtish

Website: leticiajcollins.com


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Hey, I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build a sustainable & scalable business on your own terms… then grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨