66 | The importance of long-form content & email marketing for sustainable growth




The importance of long-form content & email marketing for sustainable growth

In this episode, we’ll be discussing exactly why blogging is NOT dead, how you can leverage long-form blog posts to drive traffic and sales for YEARS to come, and why it’s so important to build your email list and stop relying solely on social media to market your online business.


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Is blogging dead?

I’ve been seeing a lot of online marketers ‘predicting’ that blogging will make a comeback in 2024, and I thought it was important to address this, because the truth is… blogging never went away. There has just been a huge boom in people starting their business on social media first, and these business owners are just now realising the importance of long-form evergreen content.

I don’t know who put the memo out that blogging is dead… but they are sooo wrong! Every single day, thousands of entrepreneurs are generating traffic, leads and SALES because of their blog posts. They're using strategies like SEO and Pinterest to drive that traffic and ensure their blog posts live on for months, and even years to come!

Whenever I take on a new client, I ask them how they found me. And a lot of the time, my clients say that they found me through my podcast, a blog post, or Pinterest (which leads to both my blog & podcast).

This isn’t an accident. This is a result of the intentional curation of my content marketing strategy.

Here’s what tends to happen:

  1. My ideal client needs help with a specifc topic

  2. They search Pinterest, Google, or various podcast players for the answer

  3. They come across my long-form content (blog post or podcast episode)

  4. After consuming my content, they opt-in for a free resource & join my email list

  5. Through my automated funnels, they often go on to become a student and/or client

One of the reasons I love Pinterest so much is because of how long your content lives on for over there. My most popular pin was created and published on Pinterest over a year ago, and it links to a blog post that is more than a year old… but it’s still generating traffic to that blog post every single day! And that traffic is still turning into leads and sales.

This is something that social media could NEVER do. Social media is great for making connections and nurturing your audience, but the content you create there begins to die after 24 hours. No one, unless they decide to have a proper stalk and scroll back through hundreds of posts, is going to find your Instagram post from last year and then decide to hire you from that. But they do with blog posts, or podcast episode, or whatever form of long-form content you choose because that content is evergreen and is still so easy to find.

If the only platform you have been creating and posting content on is a social media platform then I highly recommend that you look into how you can start creating evergreen content for your business, whether that’s through a blog, a podcast or even YouTube.

Why you need to prioritise email marketing

At that same time, if you are not prioritising email marketing as a way to nurture your community and grow your audience, you are putting your business in jeopardy. 

Your social media account could disappear any day. In fact, I recently read a post from another business owner who suddenly lost her Instagram account. When she appealed to Instagram, they stood by their decision and so she lost over 20k followers, all of her social media posts, and she had to start a new account from scratch.

But she was okay… you know why? Because she had been using her social media to grow her email list. While it was frustrating for her to lose her account, it wasn’t the end of the world because most of her audience was already on her email list. 

And here’s the thing: Email is STILL the most direct way to reach your audience. When someone hands over their email address to you, they're giving you permission to send your message DIRECTLY to them. With social media, you're battling against algorithms and thousands of competitors... but you can almost guarantee that any emails you send will land in your audience's inbox.

I love social media and it's worked wonders for my business. But the only reason it works so well is because I pair it with my podcast, blog and email strategy! So if you have not got at least one form of long-form evergreen content in your marketing strategy, let this be your sign to start now. And if you have not been prioritising your email list, it is time to get back on that train and make email a priority for 2024!


Instagram: @marketingwithtish

Website: leticiajcollins.com


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Hey, I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build a sustainable & scalable business on your own terms… then grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨