45 | 5 Things My Most Successful Clients Have in Common




5 Things My Most Successful Clients Have in Common

There’s no denying that entrepreneurship is a challenging, but rewarding journey. And the success of entrepreneurs is not a coincidence, and it is not down to luck. No, success is a result of intentional habits and behaviours.

I have been working one-on-one with clients for almost 4 years now, and during that time I have noticed that my most successful clients have a few key traits in common. These traits have helped them to overcome challenges and reach their goals, no matter their industry or niche.

In this episode, I’m going to dive into 5 of the most common habits that my most successful clients have all possessed and have been crucial in their path to success. Whether you’re just starting out in your entrepreneurial journey, or looking to take your business to the next level, these are some key things that you need to get into the habit of doing if you want to grow and thrive in the online space.


The glamorisation of entrepreneurship.

Before we get into these habits, I first want to talk about the glamorisation of entrepreneurship that we are seeing more and more on social media. You only have to log on and scroll for a few seconds before you’ll probably come across an image or video with this CEO lying on the beach and working on their laptop with a mojito in hand - you know the ones I’m talking about?

And here’s the thing - entrepreneurship can look like this. But it goes much, much deeper than that. You don’t get to see the behind-the-scenes of that picture. The hard work. The sleepless nights. You see what these business owners want you to see of their life and their entrepreneurial journey - not the whole reality.

The reality of entrepreneurship is going to include some amount of hard work, persistence and sacrifice. There’s no such thing as an overnight success, no matter how much social media tries to convince you there is. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to act like one before that can be your reality. 

So let’s talk about the 5 habits that most, if not all, self-made, successful entrepreneurs have in common.

5 habits of successful entrepreneurs


You can't pour from an empty cup. Successful entrepreneurs know this and they put in the work to identify and understand their limiting beliefs and work on upgrading their mindset.

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. There will be plenty of roadblocks in the way and you will constantly be faced with new challenges and obstacles that can test your resolve and determination. When you have a strong and positive mindset, you'll be better equipped to tackle these challenges and overcome them, and it will also build your resilience.

In my daily mindset practice, for example, I always start the day with a morning routine where I like to just get up, have my morning coffee and then go for a short walk outside while I listen to a podcast that either enhances my learning or fills me with positivity. And this morning routine really sets me up for the day ahead. And then, at the end of each day, I also like to journal and reflect on my day, thinking about what went well, the challenges I faced and how I can overcome them.

They are just a couple of things that I like to do to work on my mindset, but have a think about what you can do to open your mind and work on your mindset each day.


All of my most successful clients understand that success is a result of consistent action, and they are willing to put in the work to make their business a success.

I know that consistency is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the online space, but it doesn’t mean that you need to show up and go full force every day - that’s what’s going to lead to burnout. 

When I think of consistency, and what I tell my clients, is that it’s committing to moving yourself 1% closer to your goal each day. So, what can you do each day that’s going to move the needle forward for your business?

A lot of business owners get stuck in client work, and they forget to actually show up and market their own business, so it’s really important that you are committed to your own growth and your own business as well as your clients.

My favourite way to make sure that I am consistently showing up and working ON my business, and I teach this to my private clients as well, is that each morning before I start on any client work or any admin busy-work type tasks, I always spend the first hour of my day working ON my business and doing something that is going to move the needle forward. That might be working on a sales page or recording a podcast episode, or creating social media content. Whatever it is, it’s 100% going to move me closer to my goal.

I also like to dedicate at least one complete day of the week to this as well. So, for me, this is Thursdays. So I won’t have any calls, I won’t do any client work, Thursdays are completely dedicated to my CEO tasks and moving my business forward.



They are proud of the offer they’ve created. They know their offer facilitates real results and they aren't afraid to talk about it. Every. Single. Day.

I talk with a lot of business owners who express a fear of selling, and one of the most common fears is that they’ll annoy their audience when they show up to sell. If this is something you worry about as a business owner then pay attention because I am going to tell you something very important.

You created your platform, your social media accounts, your blog, your podcast, your email list… to market and grow your business. You created these platforms to sell your offers and to make money. So why are you so scared to use these platforms for what they’re intended for?

It doesn’t matter if you promoted your offer on your Stories last week, or you mentioned it in the call-to-action of your latest emai. Mention it again. Promote it again!

Someone who followed you yesterday won't have seen that post. Even someone who WAS following you might not have seen it. We do not see every single post of every single person we follow on social media. 

You need to show up for those people in your audience that don't see every post. That don't know what you offer. That need to see something more than just once or twice before they think about purchasing.

And you need to stop thinking that you're going to 'annoy' your audience. It all comes back to the fact that YOU created this platform for YOU. Your audience are fully aware that they're following a business owner and they expect you to sell. If they don't want what you have to offer, they won't buy it. Simple as that.

Do not be the entrepreneur who fails because they were too afraid to sell.


Successful entrepreneurs invest in themselves daily.

I know you might be sat there thinking, “but I don’t have the money to invest”, and that’s absolutely fine! When I talk about investing, it is so much more than just a monetary exchange and investing in courses and mentors. These things are important and they will move you forward, but there are so many other ways that you should be investing in yourself.

Investing in your business can look like…

  • Growing your knowledge through books & podcasts

  • Dedicating time to learn a new skill or strengthen your current skills

  • Setting up organisational systems and workflows

  • Attending networking events, talks and workshops

  • Hiring team members to support you

There are so many ways to invest in yourself without spending loads of money.

However, I do want to address the fact that many early-stage entrepreneurs are hesitant to spend money until they’ve signed their first client or earned their first 5k, or whatever goal they’re working towards. But the reality is that it takes money to make money, and very few successful business owners have grown their business on their own without making strategic investments. 

So while you can grow your business to a point off of free information and DIYing your strategy, if you want to grow quickly and you want to hit the next level, then you will want to start thinking about the smart and strategic investments you can make to help you get there.


The one thing all successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they NEVER give up. They understand that entrepreneurship is a journey filled with obstacles, but they remain persistent and determined.

Despite all the failures, all the tears and all the times they wanted to throw in the towel... they view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, and they use their failures to drive them forward.

So the next time you experience a failed launch, or you don’t hit your income goals, or literally anything in your business doesn’t work out as planned - remember that starting and running a business isn’t easy. There will be a lot of ups and downs, a lot of trial and error, and you will make mistakes.

One thing that comforts me in the midst of failure is reminding myself that everything is happening for me, not to me, and this is something I learned from Gabby Bernstein in her book The Universe Has Your Back, which is such a great book by the way, I’ll link it in the show notes!

But I really want you to remember that when things don’t go the way you planned, you need to look at it from a fresh angle and then try something different. Approach your failures and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. When you do that, you will be unstoppable!

Let’s Recap.

As we wrap this episode up, let’s remind ourselves of the 5 habits of successful entrepreneurs:

1. They work on their mindset daily

2. They are committed to showing up consistently

3. They aren't afraid to sell

4. They continuously invest in themselves

5. And most importantly, they never give up

So my question to YOU is what are you willing to do to grow and succeed in your business?

If you're ready to step into the shoes of a successful entrepreneur, but you know you’re going to need some support and accountability to help you get there, I am currently taking on private clients for 1:1 mentorship. 

This is an intimate business & marketing mentorship experience where we’ll work together to make sure that you’re building a successful business in a way that works for you. 

This takes place entirely through Voxer, which is a voice and text messaging app (similar to whatsapp but for business). I love this style of mentorship, and I find my clients really love this style, because it’s really flexible and it allows you to basically have a mentor in your back pocket for anytime, anywhere support and accountability.

So, if you’re interested then you can head to leticiajcollins.com/voxer for all the details, or you can send me a message over on Instagram where we can have a no-obligation chat about whether or not this is the right fit for you.


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If you’re an ambitious entrepreneur looking to create more time, freedom & profit in your online business and finally start building your business in a way that feels good to YOU, click here to learn more about how Leticia can support you with Private Voxer Mentorship.


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Hey! I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build your business on your own terms, so that you can live the life you desire… grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨