74 | 4 creative ways to use pop-ups to drive conversions (with ConvertBox)




4 Creative Ways You Can Use Pop-Ups to Drive Conversions

I know people love to hate them, but website pop-ups are a great way to not only grow your email list, but also share personalised offers, engage your website visitors and make more sales. In this episode, I’m going to share 4 creative ways that you can use ConvertBox to create pop-ups that are non-obtrusive and drive conversions.


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I was dubious about using pop-ups on my website at first as I didn't want them to annoy my visitors, but I recently started using ConvertBox (affiliate link) to create my pop-ups, and I LOVE how it allows you to create pop-ups that are non-obtrusive.

These pop-ups appear in the corner of the screen and don't take up the entire space, which means that your visitors scrolling isn't being interrupted, which is what often leads to that annoyance and prompts people to dismiss the pop-up without even reading what’s on it.

The other benefit to ConvertBox is that you can really personalise your pop-ups to the point where they only show up on certain pages, to certain people within your audience, and to people who have already taken a specific action…. 

Here are 4 creative ways that you can use pop-ups to drive conversions for your business:

1. As a regular pop-up for your lead magnet

Depending on which page someone first visits your website from, they're not always going to see your lead magnet straight away. Pop-ups that tell your website visitors about your lead magnet are a great way to convert those visitors into email list subscribers before they click off your website and forget all about you!

2. Share a special offer for return visitors to your sales page

ConvertBox (affiliate link) is clever... and it can tell when someone is repeatedly viewing your sales page. Within the software, you can create a pop-up that appears for anyone who's viewed your sales page more than once, and offer them something special if they purchase now! 

This could be a limited-time discount, special bonus, free trial… something that is going to encourage them to take action and purchase now! So I definitely recommend setting this up for your sales pages.

3. Highlight a related offer to the specific page they're visiting

For example, if your visitor is reading a blog post about starting a podcast and you have an offer or resource designed to help someone start a podcast, you can create a pop-up (that appears only on that page) directing them to your sales/landing page for that offer.

This is going to be effective because they’re already showing interest in what your offer is about, so having a pop-up that’s like “hey, I know you’re interested in this… since you’re looking into starting a podcast, you may also be interested in this…” is a great way to drive those conversions.

4. Affiliate sales

Pop-ups are a great way to share products you're an affiliate for and earn some extra income! You could share a software you love, a bundle you've contributed to, a summit you're speaking in, etc.

If you are promoting an affiliate link though, just make sure that you make it clear on that pop-up that this is an affiliate link, so if they click and make any kind of purchase then you will receive a commission… it’s just basic transparency and a legal requirement so don’t forget that!


Instagram: @marketingwithtish

Website: leticiajcollins.com


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Hey, I’m Tish!

I'm a marketing mentor for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to create more time, freedom & profit in their online business, in a way that feels good to them!

If you’re ready to build a sustainable & scalable business on your own terms… then grab a cuppa, get comfy & stay for a while ☕️ ✨

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